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Everything posted by Updawg

  1. I would love to kick Gary danielson in the nuts. Can’t stand that fucker
  2. Yeah. Luckily he didn’t head that way. We were at a choir concert when it all went down. There were a lot of people on campus at that time for various things They also have a pretty big farm on campus with lots of kids taking care of their animals. Could have been terrible
  3. He did leave fast from the last scene and finally got caught down 45. I’m sure that was stolen
  4. Ugggh. Just read that spoiler. I live very nearby. Scary
  5. Agreed. Normally if a suspect leaves a scene like a school shooting they release a description. Same with the other. I get why they couldn’t connect the dots but Austin is still small enough that stuff is on the noon news etc I barely saw anything until I was leaving Bowie high school after a choir concert and it all ended
  6. Imagine the outrage if he was Mexican But he was white so just move along Looks like we drove to Bowie high school right past that shooting at the mountain biker around 10 mins before it happened
  7. Yeah that sucks. I hate injuries
  8. And you completely overextended yourself to pay for it
  9. Thank god. We need to slow his roll down
  10. Aggie -3.5 against osu seems like a no brainer Am I missing why not to bet on osu?
  11. You have to admit looch knows how to run the narrative on those dipshits. I’ll give him credit for that
  12. It really is great and should be reposted over and over The Maserati analogy is great as well
  13. How bad is it going to look after they spent all this money but back out of a bowl game due to lack of coaches and players
  14. I don’t know but I hope he stays for a long time
  15. Had to be a troll but with them you never know
  16. Refs definitely don’t like Houston two weeks in a row
  17. On the next fansville Mohammad gets killed by rednecks thinking he is a terrorist
  18. Does Tillman really have more? I would have thought the opposite
  19. No shit. Almost thought I stumbled into texags for a minute
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