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Posts posted by Thiefery

  1. 1 hour ago, SydneyCarton said:

    I know I’ve asked this before, but isn’t his cousin Tony Grimes? Although if so, I believe Fud said they weren’t that close. Still, wonder if they could effect Grimes staying VA. Have to think it’s not helping aTm’s perceived chances with Grimes. 

    VA kids don't stick to VA schools for whatever reasons..  Seems like most head towards tosu or south to Clemson.. the high profile ones atleast.

  2. I agree with Al..  we all make fun of the Pac conference because it seems like nobody cares.. it's CCG is on a Friday evening with hundreds of fans in attendance.  Is ESPN going to bail out the Pac by giving out a LHN deal to SC to keep them in place there?  Doubt it.  Oregon St?  Washington St?  Hell Cal can get lost but every CA insider says the other schools follow it's lead so they come no matter what.. I say, throw a boatload of money as SC and see what happens.  I know the AZ schools would bolt, especially if SC is coming.  From there, let Cal and Stanford pick between being cool nerds or understanding realignment is for Sports only and they can still be friends with other AAU members despite being in different conferences.

  3. 2 hours ago, Hurtlocker said:

    I think the ones you want in order are:

    USC, Washington, and Oregon first, because they actually generate eyeballs.   They've won nattys or played for nattys and are known names.   If you need WSU and OSU for Washington and Oregon, I'm not sure its worth it.   If you have to take all the Cali schools for USC, I think it is.  

    If you still need to do divisions, due to the current rules not changing, it allows you to do 8 division games, and 2 cross overs, netting 5 home games with two left to schedule.   You could give away to home and homes and be at six.    

    Or, if you could do pods, 16 would give you four of four.   The in between gets a little messy though.   Two from each other pod nets you nine games, three fills the schedule.  

    The SEC sells about 115 football games for around $45M a year per team

    The B1G sells about 128 football games, for around $55m a year per team

    Eighteen teams listed above, would allow you to take nearly 200 football games to market, over four time zones if Colorado or the Arizonas were involved.   You could build a conference network AND allow Oklahoma and USC to start their own along with LHN, and have enough content to power them all.  

    This is what seems to be the most ideal.  However, the current Big 12 and Pac 12 as we know it must disolve in order to make this work.  From listening to realignment message boards, to get SC, you have to get all 4 CA schools on board or it's DOA.  Not sure how truthful that is but it seems to be the consensus on boards.  Choosing which schools come along among the CA schools out west and the UT/Tech/ou/okie light schools is going to be interesting to see. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    We are more worthy of P5 inclusion than half the Pac 12.

    If that guy thinks Oregon State and their 30,000 fans keep a seat at the table, while Iowa State, an AAU school, that made more money than USC last year, and averaged better football attendance than all but one Pac 12 school is getting the boot, he's absolutely ignorant of the reality of modern college athletics.  This isn't 1994.

    The more I think of it, I hope the Big 12 continues to be the outlier and stick at 10 unless there is no-brainer schools wanting in that would help the conference (AZ, Pig, Neb, etc)

    • Like 4
  5. 14 hours ago, VABuckeye said:

    You all are the most sensitive fuckers on the internet.  Lighten up a little.  It's not like I posted that Ohio State just got the #1 running back in the country.  lol

    Bucknut twitter is the most sensitive fanbase out there.  Everyone is against them, and were "cheated/screwed" by the world vs Clemson. If you had LSU ranked in front of them in October you were idiots and hated on tosu..smh GTFOH.

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    • Haha 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    DL David Abiara commits to ND.  Didnt ever seem like we were interested in him.

    Herman had a golden opportunity to get rid of OG, now we lost out on Abiara. Clockwork----u know who, most definitely 

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    in Houston it seems like we still have too many “essential” businesses that should be closed.  I’m working from home, so I mainly can see that home services and construction appear to be business as usual. Perhaps the chances of the lawn crew spreading covid-19 are extremely low but they’re all in a truck together. As they spread it among their families, it may lead to one less ventilator being available.  

    i do realize that it’s easy for me to be saying that when my company is still paying me a full salary to work from home. If they told me that the only option to get paid was to be at the office, admittedly I might go in.

    i also drove by a park on a trip to the pharmacy on Thursday. The walking paths were packed and I saw at least a few picnics.

    Same for me, I still get my pay since I work from home anyways.  My wife and I take our two daughters for a walk on the community trail every afternoon. Saw some young teens playing HORSE, wearing gloves, at the community bball courts that the HOA said was closed.

    Those walks are the only thing that gives us a piece of normalcy in our days.

    • Like 1
  8. I don't get why Cal, utah, oregon st, washington state and even colorado get a pass for a merger.  If we are trimming down from the current conferences, Iowa St on paper is better than those schools in sports generally.

    SC, ucla, asu, az, uw, or, stan, utah

    UT, TT, ou, okie, Iowa St, kansas, ksu, TCU

    If Nebraska really wants back they can take TCUs spot..let UT/SC decide if colorado is a better take than Utah.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:

    Yes - He might have been born in San Antonio. His mom is from there and her side of the family is still there. 

    based on Suchomel's last podcast, he's always liked Texas but didn't know that they recruited out of state... that said I believe he has CBs to Bama.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:

    IT Humidor - recruiting bit (Wells/Nahlin)

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    While we expect the staff to continue making out-of-state overtures in recruiting, there’s a common belief that it will be tough to get players to leave far from home.

    Personally, I think it’s a little too early to buy into that, but they have to get as many out-of-state targets on campus as possible whenever allowed to have a chance.

    The good news is the staff was able to gain footing or cement it’s place with a number of instate priorities before the virus hit the fan.

    Instate guys we feel confident calling priorities are:

    QBs Sawyer Robertson and Garrett Nussmeier
    RB Camar Wheaton and LJ Johnson
    WR JoJo Earle
    TE Elijah Arroyo and Landen King
    OL Team Brockermeyer and Bryce Foster
    DL Landon Jackson, Shemar Turner, Jordon Thomas, Clayton Smith
    LB Terrence Cooks
    DB Ishmael Ibraheem, Andrew Mukuba

    This isn’t an official list and it isn’t to say they don’t want other prospects.

    We do think emphasis will be placed a little more on instate prospects.


    wow what an update, IT!!  

    I would like to Bash it but hell man I need any info, even if it's a no shit update, thanks for posting this Ricky.

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  11. 12 hours ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:

    No oos options will be a problem for us at db. No relationships built with 2nd tier options in state which means we must land the top of our board. If we don’t, it will look like wr in 2020. Chasing projects at the last minute.

    Means the staff has to do what it can to get atleast one of Ibraheem or Washington in this class.  2022 class is stacked with DBs, but we need atleast one of those players for 2021 .

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