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Everything posted by Satoshi

  1. I’m not an expert on oil and gas investment and supply dynamics but in 2021 Investment is slipping relative to green investment. And global energy markets price in future conditions, but I’m sure you knew that as sharp you are. So even with decreasing supply currently markets are pricing in decreased supply going forward. https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/natural-gas/060221-upstream-oil-and-gas-spending-to-cede-more-ground-to-renewables-in-2021-iea Of course you also have the fact that Europe is a gas importer because they have several countries that ban fracking despite massive reserves. I’m afraid you’re the 🤡
  2. I think you’re probably right about some front running. Gensler is former GS. As you know their squid tentacles go everywhere. Word could’ve gotten around to institutions or other companies that it’s safe to allocate some to it. In other news, Jack keeps pumping Bitcoin.
  3. Saw these at a quirky toy store today after lunch. Got something for every CR lover.
  4. Proof of Stake is a fundamentally flawed system. Over time large stakeholders receive proportionally larger rewards which in the end is a centralizing force. This is why hedge funds, banks and even governments are signaling that they prefer PoS. They can become large stakeholders with their financial clout and co-opt the network. It’s just another version of our current financial system. Decentralization is a key point. PoW maintains decentralization. Even though I own more Bitcoin than you I have no more influence than you over the network. The energy usage of Bitcoin is substantial and undeniable, but the mix of energy is greener than the average electric grid and it’s necessary to secure the network in a decentralized fashion. What’s the carbon footprint of securing the USD? As far BTC going the way of the dodo you can put the percent chance of that happening at zero at this point. The tech is evolving pretty rapidly on level 2 like Lightning. Perhaps look up some videos of Jack Mallers and Strike. I would prefer BTC have better privacy and there will be changes towards that over time, but the best chance to make a truly decentralized currency work is Bitcoin so I prefer to focus on that succeeding and improve privacy as we go.
  5. Jesus, you’re such a simpleton. I would propose there should be more worldwide investment in gas exploration to increase supply. That would hurt Putin’s strategic position vs Europe. As for Bitcoin energy consumption I’m afraid you’re incapable of a coherent discussion on the topic.
  6. Primary driver is tight global gas market. Not enough hydrocarbons being extracted. The secondary factors listed included lower than expected renewable generation and decreased domestic gas production -10% YoY and investment. Seems like a crisis largely of the making of the ongoing transition to green energy. Their look into the future is also enlightening. Because of the unreliability of green energy they predict more volatile swings in electricity prices and they suggest subsidizing companies that can smooth the volatility in any way. They also suggest subsidies for customers on the lower end socioeconomic scale to deal with large future price swings. It’s going to take a lot of government money to get this thing off the ground and working into a reliable system.
  7. What’s causing their energy shock?
  8. https://www.bloombergquint.com/markets/bitcoin-futures-etf-said-not-to-face-sec-opposition-at-deadline This news might be a bit overblown imo. My understanding is that a futures based etf will be more complex and have higher fees associated with rolling over contracts repeatedly but it’s a bit over my head.
  9. That‘ll fill the tax gap!
  10. https://www.eff.org/issues/financial-censorship More common around the rest of the world, but our benevolent government has dabbled. Not hard to see things moving more in this direction given the worsening political climate. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Choke_Point
  11. Well until they’re hired somewhere else they’re not working. Last jobs report was poor. Can we all agree on the $600 issue? I haven’t seen any discussion of it here, but it’s a massive increase in financial surveillance of our entire population. They’re going after the big tax evaders with their $1000 accounts. Crickets pretty much here and on Tv. And I include Republican politicians. It also moves us a little closer to eventual financial censorship power for the government.
  12. He’s just septic. Not a big deal.
  13. Why would I dox myself in any fashion? Even the well liked docs here don’t spill anything.
  14. It was a joke, not literal. But you sure as fuck went in depth on the prices of your HEB shopping Mr Supermarket Sweep.
  15. Let me help you out with this because you don’t know what you’re talking about. In very rare cases, a vaccine that induces a strong immune response can, In theory, cause such an inflammatory response that essentially a cytokine storm results. You could then end up with SIRS which can cause multi organ failure, such as what Immortal’s friend might have experienced. It’s safe to assume that when she showed up crashing they worked her up for an infectious cause and based on the timeline and presentation that was Doctors diagnosis. Most of the most serious reactions (GBS, tranverse myelitis, thrombosis) are not surprisingly related to similar perturbations of the immune system after vaccination. Again, extremely rare. Maybe you should stick to things you know more about, such as “accidentally” hanging out with groups of old racist buddies in your spare time.
  16. Don’t make Jimmy get his HEB receipts
  17. Please refer to my username if you’re having trouble figuring out how I might feel about long term ZIRP. Are you saying the corporate tax cuts lead to inflation through wage growth or more re-investment? Or do the larger deficits lead to more inflation? You’d have some disagreement from some of your allies on one or both of those points I think. There’s nothing dishonest about my posting. The inflation/deficit situation is a bipartisan effort. The reason the inflation rate is relevant to this thread and forum is the POTUS is looking to push through many trillions more stimulus and “reshaping of the economy” while we have inflation at 30 year highs. Some actual infrastructure spending without the fluff at the current low interest rates would be useful. Otherwise I think he’s tempting fate trying to push the pedal to the metal at this time. How much is a little inflation?
  18. Inflation is running the hottest in decades at 5.4%. Q3 GDP slowing quite a bit with growth predicted at 1.3% by the Atlanta Fed. Big jobs report miss last month. The sec of Treasury acknowledging there will be some shortages of goods and services in the near future. There are some concerning data points. Inflation though is the big headline number that resonates with voters as it affects their day to day lives.
  19. The President gets credit or blame for the economy no matter if it’s right or wrong. This isn’t a new phenomenon. The administration is aware of this and it’s why they’re trying to address the problem and adjust expectations.
  20. The initial spark was last year’s Covid shutdown of economy and subsequent government stimulus. I put it here because right or wrong it’s falling at his feet in the eyes of the public. And there’s not a CR economy thread that I’m aware of.
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