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Everything posted by Satoshi

  1. If you don’t mind sharing, what was her reaction? Was she able to get a medical exemption from further MRNA vaccination?
  2. 4. This is a complex problem but we contributed on the demand side via stimulus/money printing. More stimulus is a certainty. 5. You continue to overestimate the Fed’s ability to taper significantly. The asset bubbles may “need” to be popped but the will to follow through despite market and economic tantrums will not be there. This isn’t Xi determined to pop his real estate bubble after consolidating his power and controlling all information available to his populace. That’s without mentioning the ultimate power and influence of our financial sector.
  3. I agree. It does take a special person. The one I know is an old friend and his kids are in school and he’s still at home so I guess that’s the lens I look through at these setups. She’s not the nicest woman either so that probably colors my perception a bit too.
  4. At the risk of sounding old fashioned I’ll say I’ve always thought that was a bad example to set for your kids and should be avoided if at all possible. There’s likely to be a dent in the respect that sons feel towards their dad given the role that they are see other dads play as providers. And daughters should see a fathers example and apply that to potential future mates.
  5. My last tweet of the day maybe. Bitcoin mining update. And Texas is the #1 state in 🇺🇸
  6. Katie Couric saved RGB from getting canceled.
  7. Too me it’s a bit unclear what the policy mistake would be. He says if the Fed delays delays delays then slams the brakes that would be it. I think he means prolonged delay toward tapering and then halting asset purchases fairly quickly? So, essentially hurting the economy by tapering and tightening too much when it’s too late causing contraction after feeding further inflation? I feel like that’s more than a tail risk given the importance of market prices to the Fed, but he’s smarter than me. The impending shortages of goods and services admitted by Yellen threaten to goose expectations imo. That is the kind of thing that changes mass psychology. Better buy while you can etc.
  8. Whistleblowing for more censorship. What a hero. Lol
  9. That sounds like a terrible situation that should be handled by local law enforcement. One Twitter video testimonial doesn’t justify a nationwide DOJ initiative.
  10. https://theweek.com/business-news/1005970/treasury-secretary-yellen-says-consumers-shouldnt-panic-about-christmas?amp&__twitter_impression=true “There may be isolated shortages of goods and services in the coming months” Not a good sign that they’re saying this imo. Let’s hope her prediction of “isolated shortages” holds up better than her “transitory inflation”
  11. The broader crypto market pricing is based mostly on speculation. Some of it based on the utility of which tokens are used to buy NFTs. Ethereum and Solana rule there. My knowledge of that genre is fairly limited so I’ll stop there. There is a whole separate thread on nfts if you’re interested. My interest is more Bitcoin centric so I can help there. It’s a complex topic but I’ll try. Bitcoin’s value is derived from two basic attributes imo. First of all it is a verifiably scarce asset in a time of fiat abundance. There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoin. It doesn’t take a sophisticated observer of financial markets to see the enormous amount of money printing that has happened in increasing amounts since 2007-2008. We’re seeing some of the chickens coming home to roost now in the cpi numbers, but the effects have been obvious in the prices of real estate, health care and higher education for years. If you’ve been holding Bitcoin for a while now the cost of those things has actually gone down in Bitcoin terms in the face of massive fiat increases. The second big reason Bitcoin has value is it is an uncensorable form of money. Anyone on the planet that can access the network can transmit value over it. That used to be something that really only resonated with citizens in developing countries. But we now live in a country where the government is pushing for access to surveil any bank account with over $600 in it. If/when they get that it doesn’t take a lot to see a world where more and more transactions are flagged if you’re a “domestic terrorist” or engaging in activities that are detrimental to the climate or anything else the government doesn’t like. And if you think those are valid concerns that should be censored then you need to realize that power can be directed against anything eventually when the wrong person is in charge. I sleep well knowing that a significant portion of my wealth is outside the control of our legacy financial system and the government. In short, Bitcoin is freedom money that cannot be debased. Its price goes up as more people and entities decide they want to hold some for reason #1 or reason #2 or both. If you’re interested in a more in depth look at the history of money and why Bitcoin is important this site has an introductory course on it. I haven’t watched the videos but it’s a well regarded, free course. https://learn.saylor.org/course/PRDV151
  12. Tether Is a stablecoin managed by the offshore exchange Bitfinex. There are currently almost $70B in circulation. There have long been concerns about how much of that is actually backed and what composes the reserves. Concerns of fraud etc. Bitfinex has historically not been very transparent publiclyT, but the Ny AG conducted a long investigation and gave them a slap on the wrist fine for some minor infractions. In recent public disclosures since then they have claimed to have a lot of reserves in corporate paper which is unconventional. That led to a new Tether conspiracy theory that they owned a ton of Evergrande paper and that was going to bring down Bitcoin/crypto. None of the numerous Tether conspiracy theories have been found to be true at least to the extent that they hurt the market or cause the Tether peg to break. TL;DR Tether FUD is hapless, fruitless bear porn.
  13. Turns out they don’t want info on all transactions over $600, they want all info from accounts with more than $600 in deposits or withdrawals in a year. Basically blanket financial surveillance. Quite the invasion of privacy.
  14. Hearing coming soon for JNJ and Moderna booster approvals. Would expect them to go through.
  15. It’s hard to see gold stuck in mud in the face of this inflation and not see Bitcoin as having some effect. In other news, this rally still has a lot of legs if retail is a seller and not yet a buyer.
  16. I replied further down that I think it weakens the case for vaxx passes.
  17. Sure, I cited natural immunity as another possible confounding factor, but the numbers are the numbers.
  18. These are government numbers. Someone is experiencing cognitive dissonance. I’m not saying the vaccines don’t work or don’t provide protection because they clearly do. These government collected, population wide numbers do seem to punch a big hole in the argument behind vaccine passes. If you can have more cases per capita, although milder, in vaccinated persons then what is the benefit of restricting the freedoms of a large amount of the population?
  19. I see population wide that it’s 67% fully vaccinated. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations?country=GBR
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