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Everything posted by Satoshi

  1. I’ve never stepped in Atlanta outside of the airport but already bought flight to go to game 4. What part of town is the ballpark in? What is the best part of town to stay in for going out afterward? Thanks.
  2. Lol this is funny coming on CR. If you have the wrong political views, we cheer on your cancer diagnosis, lament that the tree didn’t kill you instead of just paralyze you etc.
  3. Great thread idea and great story. As soon as I saw the title I knew this would be the first link.
  4. A couple examples of ongoing demand side boosts from around the world.
  5. Don’t be discouraged. right wing prelude excluded in the spoiler
  6. Please tag @jimmyjazz for any and all grocery price discussion. Thank you for your compliance.
  7. Link at the top of the article. Also some chef’s kiss media responses to this summer’s exchanges between Paul and Fauci.
  8. I would suggest watching the American Horror Story Hotel season where she plays a prominent role. It gave me a better appreciation for her overall talent and her unique hotness.
  9. Lol. Oh yeah the CR jizz jar was passed around when that exchange occurred. Not only did he lie to Congress, he did so in a grandstanding fashion.
  10. Yes, and all the talking about stuff.
  11. A couple items in today’s bitcoin news. Walmart dipping its toes in peripherally.
  12. Official admission of GoF testing although they don’t call it that. Fauci lied to Congress. He’ll be the next high profile figure to get away with it.
  13. I’m far from an expert on things like futures based etfs but I don’t and won’t own Bito. USO is the oil futures based etf and its performance have varied wildly at times from the cost of oil. I still think the best options for holding BTC in brokerage account that most closely track the price are gbtc and mstr. GBTC-trust that is eventually a Cef currently trading at 18% discount to nav. The company that operates it has applied to convert it to etf. So that would put it at par. 2% fee is high but bearable if you’re catching 200% annualized. MSTR-the software company that holds over 100k BTC. Its debts and liabilities are known and the software business is pretty steady so it basically follows BTC price. I own both in tax free and taxable accounts.
  14. There’s nothing anti-vax about discussing the future practical policy considerations that go with disregarding natural immunity. It’s the direction we’re moving.
  15. We can also tease this out further a few months. Will people that have had two shots and recovered from an infection be restricted from certain public spaces or subject to termination if they don’t get a mandated booster shot? If immunity doesn’t matter for unvaxxed why should it matter for just double vaxxed? You’re not doing everything you can. And don’t forget the kid angle. Even better than punishing your enemies personally, is punishing them as parents and forcing their kids to be vaccinated for a disease that causes them almost no harm, even after they already have recovered from it. Thank God I live in Texas.
  16. Paul Tudor Jones on CNBC today. Tried to find his interview all in one clip but wasn’t successful. Here’s a couple snippets though.
  17. I posted the article because I figured it might be easier to digest for those that don’t look at data often. I also linked the source material which you disregarded. I’ll do the not so heavy lifting for you. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveytechnicalarticleimpactofvaccinationontestingpositiveintheuk/latest 1.Main points Vaccination significantly reduced the risk of people testing positive during both the Alpha-dominant period and the Delta-dominant period. Vaccine effectiveness was reduced in the Delta-dominant period compared with the Alpha-dominant period, particularly in preventing infections with symptoms. Two doses of either Pfizer-BioNTech or Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines provided a similar level of protection to prior natural infection when the Delta variant was dominant. Two doses of either vaccine provided significantly greater protection than one dose across all analyses. Delta-dominant period (17 May to 14 August 2021) During the Delta-dominant period from 17 May to 14 August 2021, there were 8,306 polymerase chain reaction- (PCR-) positive test results that were the first positive in a new infection episode. The number of positives in each of the vaccine status exposure groups can be found in the accompanying dataset. Figure 5 shows the risk ratios for testing positive by vaccine exposure group during the Delta-dominant period, irrespective of vaccine type: two vaccine doses (14 days or more previously) reduced the risk of testing positive by 67% (95% confidence interval: 64% to 70%) during the Delta period. During the Alpha period this figure was 79% (95% confidence interval: 73% to 84%) there was no evidence that the reduction in risk of infection from two vaccine doses (14 days or more previously) differed from that of previous natural infection (71% risk reduction, 95% confidence interval: 65% to 77%) two doses (14 days or more previously) provided a greater reduction in risk than one dose (21 days or more previously), which reduced the risk of testing positive by 49% (95% confidence interval: 44% to 53%) Again, the concern is we’re vilifying people and ruining their livelihoods under false presumptions. The alternative is that we’re just trying to punish people, as Anastasis suggested. People on this forum straight up hate unvaccinated people. Even naturally recovered ones whose immunity is roughly equivalent. It would be good for the country and lower the temperature a bit if that fact was simply, officially acknowledged and policy adjusted accordingly. Just wait til places start mandating kids get vaccinated despite documented previous infection. Literally anti science.
  18. Actually it went from 20k-60k with a decent dump in between. yes everything I’ve seen from the onchain analysts says accumulation still happening.
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