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Everything posted by Satoshi

  1. I wish you luck on your quest to forever avoid an endemic, highly contagious respiratory pathogen.
  2. https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-administration-sends-more-agents-to-crowded-texas-border-crossing-11631988140
  3. Pretty wild scene developing over the last few days that I hadn’t seen discussed here. The border situation has deteriorated quite a bit over the last year but the Haitians are a new twist.
  4. Why couldn’t they be together? Of course they should. Have you considered just staying home and getting it over with? I’m assuming you and and the kid are vaccinated. Get a mild case, acquire super immunity. We’re all going to get it at least once. Might as well have it all be the same 10-15 day period.
  5. It would appear that the Sep 20th deadline contributed to the haphazard fashion that it went down
  6. Well they haven’t done anything about air travel yet, but if governments are discounting natural immunity I don’t see why they wouldn’t discount two shot people. The refrain here will be something like, “Sure you have some protection from two shots, but you could do better with a third shot why don’t you just do it”.
  7. Not if you’ve had Pfizer, I believe. It certainly expands the window for mandates. Including those with “high risk for occupational exposure” also opens up people of all ages to further mandates. We need to protect the vaccinated from the not fully vaccinated.
  8. Agreed. The elimination of fees from these remittances is essentially a direct economic stimulus to these people. Once they learn how to use it, why go back?
  9. The second slide tells me there’s no indication for widespread boosters in the population under 75. Over could be a debate but still pretty strong coverage.
  10. Great. You posted an ABG of someone that is pretty much dead. Mid 20s, dying of covid is almost certainly very obese or has other major health problems. What are you trying to prove exactly?
  11. Here you go @Captainant Looks like Long Covid kid fears overblown.
  12. I guessing this one is old, but same energy.
  13. Is this some kind of gotcha? I never said you couldn’t die after you’ve had covid. I said that natural immunity is roughly equivalent to vaccine immunity. In the same way that a breakthrough infection can kill someone, so too can a re-infection. But these are quite rare. You may be on to something here.
  14. These people just want to be left alone, out of the spotlight. I’m guessing she picked the cover shot. 😂
  15. A lot of the permabears are jerking each other off over this situation. Large Chinese real estate developer. $300B in liabilities. Looks close to some sort of default. I think Beijing softens the landing in big way. Worth following.
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