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Everything posted by Satoshi

  1. Man, this Tim Watts deserves some kind of award for most $9.95 post. Mentions how every school has a shot but the home team has done a good job and is trending, but it’s fluid so let’s wait and see.
  2. That’s the first $10M worth. I believe they’re going up to $150M to facilitate the move to making legal tender effective tomorrow.
  3. Why? I think I’ll leave it. Thanks. Inflation is influenced by monetary policy controlled by unelected bureaucrats and economic/fiscal policy controlled by elected officials. We’re allowed to discuss the Fed ad nauseum but not economic stimulus packages in congress? Please. Add to that the fact that I actually had no comment. I just thought it was noteworthy that an important Senator is citing inflation in the WSJ. That has reach
  4. Missed this a few days ago, but Manchin wants pause on spending package citing inflation and debt concerns. https://www.wsj.com/articles/manchin-pelosi-biden-3-5-trillion-reconciliation-government-spending-debt-deficit-inflation-11630605657?st=3k8ku60godyh71u&reflink=article_email_share
  5. It looks like hospitalizations have plateaued. I wouldn’t be surprised to see cases stay elevated a little longer than past waves just as time passes and more people get further out from their vaccinations.
  6. Cross posting from the Bitcoin thread. Any Surly Oil Barons attend this?
  7. Thanks for clarifying. Your last paragraph is key. The Fed is openly and actively maintaining asset prices. Thus they are the largest driver of inequality. They’ve also reached a point where they almost can’t stop. If you look at this trend line, you see what’s going to happen. Any future rate hiking cycles will be small and brief. So if monetary stimulus reaches an endpoint (outside of negative interest rates) then you have to go with massive fiscal stimulus in future downturns. Should be inflationary and dangerous to our reserve status given where our debt already stands. This is why you Bitcoin.
  8. There’s a lot to dispute in this article imo. slowing price increases are the real threat long term threat to the global economy? Not even deflation, but inflation coming down? That’s ridiculous. The only roundabout way I can see that being true is if inflation is too low that we can’t accomplish the financial repression needed to correct our current debt/gdp levels and we have a debt crisis. Is that what he’s referencing? Also I’d like some clarification here. “Aging populations in advanced economies create political pressure to support the value of assets like homes and financial securities, which leads to policies that hold down wages.” I wish they’d expand on the cause and effect here. Does the author mean that aging populations that depend on retirement incomes are the reason financial asset values are propped up? They kind of have it backwards. Asset values are propped up by zero percent interest rates and balance sheet expansion by the Fed. This is pretty clear. Also, retirees wouldn’t need to move into higher risk assets and pump their prices if treasuries paid decent interest rates. And for the next part, how do zero percent interest rates, or other similar policies that boost asset prices (are there others?), hold down wages? I don’t get the connection there.
  9. Agreed. Two prongs here. One is unvaccinated getting sick and leading to restrictions. Two is vaccinated still altering behavior to avoid any symptomatic infection now that It’s clear they can still catch it.
  10. Just a heads up. I have heard of issues with withdrawals from Voyager in the past. Not the most reliable exchange out there from my understanding.
  11. Our school district is bigger than Tyler and was in person from day one last year, although we only topped out at about 80% capacity. Tomorrow will be two weeks in, nothing too exciting as far as case numbers. Best I’ve heard from the kids is maybe 25% masked.
  12. Tapering into a slowing economy? https://www.atlantafed.org/-/media/documents/cqer/researchcq/gdpnow/RealGDPTrackingSlides.pdf
  13. More light pumping tonight. Looking good for new ATHs this year. Saw this interesting tweet from an entrepreneur that has connections with NYDIG, the biggest onboarder of institutions.
  14. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. See: your cryptocurrency opinions.
  15. I would not count on anything significant ever coming from Cardano. It’s been 4 years since inception and still nada. Doesn’t mean it can’t pump though.
  16. Thx for the info. I’ll check out the article when I get kid stuff done tonight. Your last sentence is key and sounds very reminiscent of Defi boom. Most of big money was made by people there early then it’s crypto Twitter money sloshing around. Don’t get me wrong new money is coming in, but $100 per Eth transaction is a limiting factor for true widespread adoption that holds up more than just the “blue chip” nfts. Adoption of these kinds of things doesn’t go in a straight line up, even BTC. NFTs may rule the world but there will be massive pullback(s) before then.
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