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Everything posted by lilMAC25

  1. I’ve already “owned” that Sark is doing a great job this year. Pointing out that he needs to continue to do so isn’t some super negative statement. Heck, I’ve set the bar for success fairly low (in my opinion) compared to a lot of folks on this board. An appearance in the BigXii CG is a successful season in my mind. Can we agree give the other posters some peace for now? You’re welcome to call me out after the next game,I’ll wait to refute your call out until then.
  2. You have already made my point. I didn’t say “Sark had a bad 3rd quarter”. I said the first drive (I believe I said “first part of the 3rd) wasn’t great. I pointed out in my next post (or maybe the one after) that we moved the ball quite well on the next two drives (due to Sark’s play calls) despite not scoring. I never blamed Sark for Texas failing to score on those drives. (Edit: nor did I criticize Sark or Texas for “struggling in the first half.”) You have preconceived notions about my mindset (as you have have clearly demonstrated in this thread) and took someone else’s word for what I typed instead of taking the time to actually read (observe what you actually can of my thoughts). That is why I called you a really really really bad observer…. Well, that and all the time that you spent stumping for Charlie Strong.
  3. Iirc, You posted something similar before the game and I agreed with a lot of your arguments… and then I said “but Saban”. I’ll need to see the rest of the season, however I think you’re correct.
  4. A really really really bad one then. That dude would be a really good QB I bet.
  5. You might feel that way, but it’s just plain horseshit. I’ve always said I don’t trust him but I’m pulling for the guy to win a championship and prove me wrong. I stated clearly that I think he’s done a damn good job this season (and an especially good one in the Bama game) and I hope it continues. That’s in game, pre game, recruiting, everything. I believe Sark is (and has Texas) on the right trajectory, but I freely acknowledge that years of bad teams and bad coaching have me gun shy. You want to proclaim that he’s done a great job since he’s been here and there’s no chance TEXAS crashes? Good for you. I’m not there yet. Hopefully you’ll be able to continue to rub it in my face. When/if it happens, I know you won’t forget to tag me…
  6. I had the same thought, but since it’s run from the field (wide) side, maybe it’s still considered a post?
  7. I haven’t intimated or implied that in any fashion. You’ve been attempting to place those words in my mouth since your first post including VY in the thread. We also see you sidestepping my point about who gets the blame for the 5 straight losses to OU in the early 00s
  8. It was a great call, in no small part because it worked.
  9. Yes. That’s the nature of sport and fandom. Who gets blamed for the 2001-2004 losses to OU? Is it the players? Or is it Mack Brown (and GDGD)? I guess Charlie Strong was treated wrongly and fired too early. 5-7 for 3 straight seasons weren’t his fault at all.
  10. That doesn’t make any sense: Sark is the Head Coach of the team. When the team succeeds (wins) he gets credit. When it fails, he gets the blame. That’s the reality of sports since coaches starting being paid. Thankfully (and deservedly) he’s getting credit this season.
  11. I was about to post that Sark then had the team in lawnmower tempo for much of the 4th. again, nothing that I posted should be taken as a slight against Sark in this game. We just have to see the same going forward. as for the idea that “if it doesn’t work it doesn’t mean it’s bad”, it certainly does mean that if you lose. That’s the way it works.
  12. Tempo for certain. Also I think he went with some misdirection on the 2nd and 3rd drives (which didn’t score, but did move the ball).
  13. Why run Turpin when you have Deuce?
  14. He called the plays that worked. That’s simplistic, yes, but true. He adjusted to the changes Bama made on D to start the 3rd and we started making plays. That is in no way an insult. Sark showed out.
  15. Some of it? Yes. Other times, he couldn’t coach his way out of a wet paper bag last year. let’s hope Horns are past that. He made real changes after 1st part of 3rd last night and we started moving the ball again. he deserves all credit for what we’ve done this year, just had to keep it up.
  16. Any good versions of the game up on YouTube yet?
  17. Teebus. People really would complain about how much a golden egg weighs, wouldn’t they?
  18. May your dad get to see us run off 3 more MNC over the next 5 seasons.
  19. How disrespectful. you tell him “sorry for your loss”, then shit on his porch.
  20. Joey “Little Saban” McGuire got them boys ready!
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