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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Vertigo

  1. This is the kind of level headed and thoughtful insight that has no place on this board.
  2. Yes, except Saban is not trying to turn Michael Huey into a road grading force of nature. He has a couple of first round picks on the line.
  3. The problem with all of these beat guys is perspective. Their only real point of comparison are their own past teams. Who gives a shit if Tech is better than last year? It took them overtime at home, 8 fourth down conversions, an injury to our star QB and WR, and a freak of nature fumble by an all american running back to beat us by 3. We are markedly better than last season. We are gearing up for a move to the SEC, we are on a completely different curve than they are. They have no idea what will be waiting for them in November. Joey can talk all the shit he wants, lots of bugs get really confident in their ability to fly before they meet the windshield.
  4. KJ is the real deal. I absolutely love this kid.
  5. Here is a pretty good idea of what we will be walking into in Tuscaloosa. Saban wants to get back to bully ball. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/38246695/how-nick-saban-alabama-retake-sec-georgia-college-football-2023
  6. Just smuggle him in in a backpack and you should be fine.
  7. I am not sure it matters too much. I would think that their carries will be split pretty evenly. The only thing to raise an eyebrow about would be if JBrooks got dinged again.
  8. Nonsense, I have it on good authority that he is jaggy mcjagerson.
  9. Usc defense is trash. Zero point zero chance they are a CFP team.
  10. Even if they had the money there is zero reason to waste two spots on Oregon State and Washington State when you can peel some ACC schools in a few years.
  11. All time wins and championships are precisely how you measure a blue blood program. If you choose to say it somehow doesn't count in your world, then I would love for you to regail me with your criteria for greatness on a football field.
  12. Catalon is an all american calibre player. If he stays healthy for the season Derek Williams won't be eating into his playing time.
  13. And yet what happened when YOU played those same teams that you chastise others for playing throughout the last century? You either beat them and count them to your win totals, or you lost and have no excuse. Tech has played an FCS school every year for the last 18 seasons. How many have we played during that time? So gtfo with that weak ass argument.
  14. He would totally be our coach right now if CDC had just known that all he needed to do was grind on him in a bar.
  15. Didnt know where else to put this but got a sensible chuckle..
  16. Why have you gone to copying your myspace wall over here?
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