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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BoomMF

  1. I'm 100% of the opinion that had he lived Stevie would have eventually been all in on Soldano amps. It was already happening.
  2. Gonna look back on the Bigsby talk as the golden age.
  3. Getting our Halloween on at the Manson Family Rock in Spahn Ranch. Charlie's Rock has been destroyed, but some of it still remains. The culvert that Shorty Shea was killed at and buried near is on up the road a little way form here, too. Spahn Ranch's buildings are completely gone.
  4. I cant find the proper laughing gif, but just know, I tried to. If you are taking this shit seriously, I'll be angry with you. You won't like me when I'm angry. I'll start telling you what I think about Bob Dylan and guitars with thick necks.
  5. The Katana might be the single most popular amp right now but the Mark II has caused a flood of upgraders. Deej's advice sounds awesome if you can swing it.
  6. I think he plays St. Vincent signature model, because, you know, gotta accommodate his tits.
  7. Found one! Come on now, be honest, tell me that doesn't look like something his doctor prescribed and Aetna is currently paying for.
  8. I'm an everything guy! And I take exception to your assertion that being in tune is not rock & roll. (I dig Bigsbys, too. But I'd treat them like everyone else in the pics quoted above - a diversion to break the monotony. Like, if I woke up one day with a pressing need to complicate my hobby with uncertainty and whimsical fiddlyness. But, when it's business time, also like the dudes above, I'm picking up a different guitar... Yeah, yeah, Neil Young. A Bigsby is Neil Young af. Have fun finding a pic of him actually using it. Similarly, I'd imagine Jack White would also latch onto a Bigsby too, if only guitars sold at Sears ever had them. He's like Neil, his brand is just as much about being different as it is about music.) It looks like someone, in a fit of anger, bolted a large gardening tool to the side of a Les Paul that's done nothing to deserve such treatment - and what was once classic and perfect is no more.
  9. Everything Marshall knows about amps wrapped in a deadly look: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F303339224178 This is the first numbered CME seen on eBay, ever.
  10. Before you proceed down this dark path, consider that strapping one of those unholy contraptions to the surface of a gorgeous and innocent Les Paul is considered in many parts of the world to be an affront to nature and rock & roll. Seriously though, man, those things dominate the aesthetics of smaller guitars. They look almost natural on large bodies guitars, like your grandfather's Gretch, but when they're put on sleek rock machines, they're like POW, FUCKIN BIGSBY IN THE HOUSE! I'm like, shit, stop yelling.
  11. Joking aside, what possesses a man to seek out a Les Paul, or any guitar, with a Bigsby? Is said man putting together a rockabilly Halloween costume and needs the prop? Do I need to further research a trem system that, when I last used one, was wonky and unreliable, more so than even Fender's archaic (but updated) design? If this is nostalgia for nostalgia's sake, then never mind - THAT I fully understand and endorse.
  12. How much does it cost to remove a Bixby, or Bigsby, or whatever, because you're going to have to factor that in.
  13. You did good. Did you go for a Mark II or a deal on a Mark I?
  14. Jimi's Black Widow is now on display at the Guitar Center on Sunset - The most famous guitar that no one knows how famous it really should be, if at all.
  15. But, before that, check out the huge ass Frankenstrat outside the Hard Rock Cafe in Universal City. It was impressive enough from the front, but when I saw the rear, I could tell it was made with love. #groundingwirebruh
  16. Deej, you know I love you, but between this and the Stevie-isn't-even-the-best-guitarist-named-Vaughan take, I think we need to have a talk and get to the bottom of what's going on over there.
  17. I'm still on the fence about hanging glued guitars. I keep the music room under 78 throughout the summer, and all my research suggests that should be fine for maintaining joint integrity, but I can't shake the feeling that 8+lbs of wood, not to mention string tension, over time is just bad news. But what the hell else am I supposed to do, put it on a floor stand like an animal?
  18. I researching the Ernie Ball Armada, I came across this video of Albert Lee playing an Albert Lee. Some of these dudes are pretty okay.
  19. Just because: (Dammit Buddy, where'd you get that tone? Is it too late to take it back?)
  20. Responsible Deej is least favorite Deej.
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