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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BoomMF

  1. He's dropped the character and this is what he's up to now. Why's James crying? 'Cause he just got dunked on!
  2. I didn't need to see this today. 339 is one of the last pieces to the puzzle of life.
  3. This is the national anthem.
  4. BoomMF

    Neil Peart RIP

    Terrible news. Neil Peart dying of brain cancer... yeah, that figures - Dude's knoggin was on a different level. This is some devastating shit. RIP
  5. I'm outside of Elgin, so pretty much. And, yes, I'd be down for a board gaming action meetup. For sure. In other news, this was my gaming haul this Christmas. Still going through it, but looking forward to finally seeing what all the fuss is with Gloomhaven! I got Nemesis early so I painted it up and brought it over to the in-laws for the holiday. They think Monopoly is the height of board gaming technology, so needless to say their minds were blown. We stayed up until 4:00am playing! Back home, we played the game I was anticipating the most, Edge of Darkness. It's a blast. Very unique card crafting system with a bit of depth to the gameplay. Side note, I refuse to bring a game to the table until the minis are painted, but that takes an age to do right. So going forward I think I'll speed paint the nameless armies, but continue to do up the named characters and whatnot. Yolo, fam. Next up, Cthulhu: Death May Die. EDIT: Fucking Tapa.
  6. Awesome amp! Congrats. No need for a standby switch. And apart from testing shit at the board level, there's no reason for a guitar amp to have a standby switch and there never was. There are safer ways to mute your amp without hot switching those bajillion volts. Standby switches are vestigial remnants of a design by a genius who liked to open up and monkey with the innards of his own amps impulsively - A guitarist should never need to drop the circuit into "standby." I realize we are guitarists and thus slaves to tradition, but I would suggest you worry more about which shop you intend to take your new amp to to have a wicked relic'ing job done to it. Spring for the coffee rings. You'll be glad you did.
  7. I was never a big fan of whichever band they got to back up Tawny Kitaen in her videos, but Bernie is legit.
  8. Two types of guitarists, those that love Bluesbreakers and those that haven't realized they wanted one yet.
  9. New Year's Day? I watched this last week. (Still have it on Plex. [emoji41] ) It was great, as expected. Would have liked to hear more about dual lives Henley and Frye were living during the transitional Stone Poneys years, they sort of glossed over the relationship between Ronstadt and those guys as the Eagles started ascending. She was something else.
  10. If you are needing some peeps to add to your subscriptions: https://www.musicradar.com/news/the-8-best-online-guitar-personalities-in-the-world-today?utm_content=buffer32419&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer_gfb Notable omissions: Rick Beato Tyler Larsen (Musis is Win) Jared Dines Ryan Bruce (Fluff) Drop any more you think should be added. I'm always looking to add to the family.
  11. Compression to this manageable degree is a bother to those who are not driving the few valuable modern guitar markets that are growing. And many of that lot might agree the gains far outweigh the losses, or "loss," really, because they too are, more and more, seeking out solid state solutions. Fender Tone Master at the door should have told you.
  12. Yes, for nitro. Cool effect.
  13. Yeah, I would have lost the bet that the DSL40C/R would have been on that list. Up until a year or so ago, it was the go-to entry Marshall and Marshall's only real modern gigging solution. And it had an army of vocal proponents who used it in some prominent roles. I wonder just how disruptive Katana has been regarding the DSL40's - DSL40C was top 5 or something last year, IIRC. Also a little stunned the Blues Jr. was able to hang on to number 1. I would have put money on some flavor of Katana running away with it. Now, I'd put money on 2020 being the year the little solid state amp that rewrote the rules takes home the gold.
  14. Painted all its minis and have been playing the new hotness, Vindication. Fantastic mid-weight Euro with a rich theme and production value up the yingyang.
  15. How'd that image get flipped? Zzzz
  16. The daughter and older son have been into my collection of choose your own adventure books (Star Challenge, Time Machine, et al.) so I made the mistake of introducing them to 7th Continent. They love the bejeezus out of the game, but listen here, fam, we are 9 hours into the first "starter" curse and there is no end in sight. I'm starting to rethink my life. The kids hope the game will never end and I'm starting to think that it won't. The box of tissues is there to soak up my tears.
  17. Try flipping the bottom plate on the Bosses before applying Velcro.
  18. It's a shame if you're a Longhorn sports fan and only watch LHN for a few football games. You're missing out on some cool content.
  19. ...as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced...
  20. I dont think that's going out on a limb too much, anyway. I believe a modded SLO was already his number one amp when he died. Mike's a bona fide tone witch and he's the one that modified it. He and Stevie were pretty close. (Warren Haynes, among others, has used an SLO as his main amp to great effect since around this time.) It's a shame that Soldano got so associated with hair metal acts in the late 80s, because the SLO 100 deserves to be in a top 10 amps of all time list.
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