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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BoomMF

  1. While I was in Dallas I stopped by Freddie King's grave to pay my respects. It's a real come to Jesus moment when you see your headstone before you die:
  2. Yeah, a lot of cool people just walking around. Got to talk to Johnny Hiland, Norm Harris (he actually came up to me as I was wearing a Norman's Rare Guitars shirt, which I picked up at his store a few months ago. It already has a hole, should have inquired as to warranty), and this this super chill dude: And if anyone is looking for the Fender John Cruz Custom Shop Number One, there's one here: Geez... My search for an R9 continues...
  3. There was a table up near the front that specialized in MoFi. I spent damn near the whole time just at that table. Most tables are a mess, but some are really curated and you could spend a lot of time happily thumbing through the crates. Everyone has Herb Alpert's Whipped Cream. Really enjoyed it. Fun way to spend an afternoon.
  4. I'll be at the show in Dallas on Saturday, so if anyone wants to get together for a drink after holler at your boy. Unfortunately, my Make Gibson Great Again hat will not be here in time. Bummer.
  5. It's a classic. Both of them. "How do I get this off my hand quickly without betraying my cool exterior?" (Or something like that) Tooms goes on to marry Courtney Stodden. So not just crazy as an X-Files character.
  6. Finally getting to see some highlights featuring Texas. Oh wait...
  7. I use DropBox for sharing pics, free account too. Create a shared link then edit the front of the link, replacing "www.dropbox.com" with "dl.dropboxusercontent.com" and that should allow hotlinking on this and other sites.
  8. Glad to see the Animals getting some run - House of the Rising Sun ticks all the boxes. It's a folk song that bridges the setting of the folk movement and predictive of the arrival of the psychedelic rock movement which will come to typify 60's music for me. God Only Knows is the only better love song, but since the Association hasn't been mentioned, check out Never My Love. I mean, come on. So many things going on here that are hallmarks of 60s music making. The Association were wizards in the studio. They were way ahead of the curve - Jimmy Page before it was cool to be a production nerd. Another 60's gem, which captures the decade's fascination with creative vocal syncopations is Along Comes Mary. Is anything MORE 60's than this? But for my money, Tommy James and the Shondells Crimson and Clover is so perfect it's almost anachronistic. It's everything we knew about making music in the 60's perfected. The complex guitar strums and mutes, highly experimental use of tremolo effects, openly interpretable lyrics, a break down for the ages, and probably about drugs or maybe illicit sex. How stoned must they have been?
  9. "Try and hit it off the barrell. Nope, not there." "No, warning track." "You still want my bat?" "No." So good.
  10. Check out the Greg Maddux one if you haven't.
  11. BoomMF

    One X

    As a video game feature, I like HDR more than I care for 4K, and I care for 4K.
  12. You got the best episode right off the bat. Season 3 was stellar and I really liked season 4 too, though it had my least favorite episode of the series, Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man. Also, point of order, Home, an episode in my top 10, was also Season 4.
  13. Went to hang out with Sister Rosetta Tharpe. Had YouTube been around when she came along I wouldn't be the only one at this cemetery. Looking at the pic now I notice I should plan my shirts for the occasion better. SRT played almost exclusively Gibson. But I have a history of this...
  14. There just aren't that many Centaur/half-man themed names to choose from. Blame Bill Finnegan. Does "Tumnus Deluxe" sound better? Side note: I also have no intention to have that dumb name on my pedalboard. #priorities
  15. BoomMF

    Avicii dead

    We're talking about a DJ? /alleniverson
  16. This has been the Jared show for 2 seasons now.
  17. ..which will take PRS 2 years to do. And in 40 years, kids will make a big deal about the PRS Airline because it wasn't a big deal today. Time is a flat circle.
  18. For the longest it was The Arena. Intimate af. Saw Conway's last show there, too.
  19. Check out this interview. Gene and Paul seems ready to strangle some fools. The whole thing is awkward. Criss will leave the band in about 5 months, but things are already tense. Also, as a bonus, you get to see Tom Snyder completely out of his element. No, Tom, they didn't play the violins themselves.
  20. Witness one of my favorite guitar ads in all its glory. (Something about the way the sunburst just pops amid all the blue and black. It's like a star in space, knowwhatImean?)
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