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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. they always seem to be the least supreme of white people...
  2. Kim gets first sniff but bet your ass Jr. will get his licks in, too.
  3. in Crockett... https://www.mimsyscraftbbq.com/
  4. Phoenix Askani...and she's most certainly a dirty little vixen
  5. think a coffee sippin' would be more up his ally...he was in one of my AA groups, pretty committed to sobriety. fuck...that said...he's probably enjoy the beer even more. Dichotomy...best of both worlds, eh?
  6. goddamn…y’all motherfuckers eat like healthcare is free.
  7. Hellberg...definitely. beef ribs on Saturday. last time i was there on a Saturday went like this... skip Guess...hate to say it but it's dropping. something's going on there and i can't quite figure it out.
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