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Longboard Horn

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Everything posted by Longboard Horn

  1. I'll add you. I only have Xbox 360 right now, saving up for a current Xbox console. Which is better? Series S or X?
  2. I think they said it will be. Fingers crossed
  3. They still exist... in the small towns
  4. Also hoping they stop playing rap music or techno beats after EVERY. GOD. DAMN. PLAY! This is college, not the NFL. Can't hear the band for shit over that.
  5. Same! Can't make it down due to work(won't be done until noon) but I'll be baked at my place watching what I anticipate to be an epic spring game.
  6. Watch the games that are on Fox. It's a better broadcast and the bigger game has Curt Menefee and Joel Klatt calling it.
  7. Yeah Gunslingers were the shit back in the old USFL days. Brahmas are a nice name, but the logo and uniforms are ugly. They look like a group of Buffalo Wild Wings employees. Good thing you started watching San Antonio this season since they have Wade Phillips and his staff. Last year they were absolutely horrible with Hines Ward. Also, just checked. They can't call themselves the Gunslingers because they exist already as an arena football team. Cooler logo than the Brahmas.
  8. Stoops is 0-3 🤣 up by 10 points with 2 minutes to go and blew it. Some people online have given him a new nickname: Blown game Bob
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