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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. She probably knows better to give him “tone” or an attitude. Probably only makes the beatings worse. god damn the descriptions alone, coupled with the child being there make me tear up a bit.
  2. Yeah you’d need to be an apple pie fan to begin with I guess.
  3. Rookie move Ask the 22 year old onboard to eat sushi, and he says raw fish ? no fucking way. Ask the 24 yr old onboard after a tuna fishing trip, and his opinion has shifted a wee bit.
  4. And the truth shall set you free…..
  5. So Arbery had a gun ? The gun he wrestled away from a guy who was in all probability going to execute him with that very gun for: being black in a residential construction zone, in Georgia ? Sounds like his own self defense was foremost in his mind. Those fucks should be convicted, and on their way to prison.
  6. Sounds more like a first world, 1%er problem ...
  7. Yeah, 20 million civilian deaths is just a drop in the bucket...hardly worth mentioning.
  8. I remember as a kid watching the NBC 7:00 news one night, and Tom Brokaw reported there were no active conflicts/wars anywhere. It was like the first time in decades. At least I remember him reporting it that way. Before European dominance the world was a happy people place just like that song by R.E.M.
  9. Ya haaaaaad to go there didn't you ? Toto (spit spit spit), a pox on those fuckers mothers, and fathers for ever having procreation sex. Yeah, Africa was fucked by pretty much the east, and west, it's never stood a chance.
  10. If you can't trust someone with an English accent... who the hell can ya trust ??!
  11. That’s some trippy shit manno OK intentionally Dead people
  12. Is this really just code for some weird, techno, cyber sex threesome thing ? I hope it's about some weird, techno, cyber sex threesome thing.
  13. What ? She helping you with your pants too ?
  14. Mexican brandy ? Is that like Russian bourbon ?
  15. The delta 8 gummies do give me a buzz. I have a 20mg jar of a sativa gummies. A couple will zip me along for several hours. It’s not the same feel as a flower buzz, more like a couple bourbon pours the way it kind of creeps up on me.
  16. Yeah, he only asked if I’d hold a package for him till he got back from some errands. Seems like the neighborly thing to do.
  17. Bailed on it. I’d be the guy they just randomly select to do the random instructional search with the new customs officer. Plenty of booze here, and I scored some decent weed from another hotel guest.
  18. A fucking cheddar cheese covered, apple pie eating son of a bitch ! The apple pie is cheddar cheese covered not me.
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