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Immaculate Vibes

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Everything posted by Immaculate Vibes

  1. So let's say there are really 50 miners that control half the hash rate and Brisket BTC mining LLC is the largest controlling 10% of the hash rate. Brisket BTC mining concocts a brilliant plan to hijack and reorganize the chain. How difficult would it be to convince 49 other entities that have invested large amounts of capital to sign on and effectively destroy their business? It would be almost impossible. A couple key points 1) Bitcoin mining companies are supporters of BTC. They're long the asset class. 2) It would take a lot coordination to decide how to re-org the chain so that all 50 miners benefit from a great exit scam. Just not going to happen. This attack vector has been thought through a lot. The most likely entity to attempt this would be a state. To amass the hardware and infrastructure to control that much hash rate unnoticed would be extremely difficult. Could one state do it through coercion of miners in their jurisdiction? Perhaps. That was the biggest concern with mining being centralized in China. Thankfully China has made the mistake of banning Bitcoin mining. They've given us a huge opportunity by being so aggressive towards Bitcoin.
  2. Let’s say that those numbers are correct although info about miners is notoriously difficult to verify. Why would members of an industry decide to collude and destroy their business? Working together and re-organizing the blockchain would effectively wreck bitcoin’s reputation and the price would crater. No rational actors would do that. Nonsensical.
  3. I’m assuming you’re implying that ownership of a large amount of coins by a small amount of people gives those holders great control over bitcoin. Unfortunately young padawan you’re wrong again. If you’re interested in looking deeper into it google the blocksize war, but in 2017 a consortium of the largest exchanges and businesses in crypto tried to get changes made to the bitcoin protocol. They were unsuccessful. Me owning more bitcoin than you gives me no more say over the network or its monetary policy. I can see why you’d think the opposite is true. That’s essentially our current financial system. The unelected people and entities with massive wealth essentially control our monetary policy. Also, bitcoin is becoming more well dispersed over time. Has been doing so since its inception. You’re right that past reserve currencies have survived. The USD will as well. It will just be massively devalued. I would like nothing more than the USD to remain the reserve currency for decades more. I hate the thought that my kids are going to come up during a lot of potential upheaval, but to assume that the dollar will remain on top indefinitely goes against historical precedent and mathematical reality. So I try to prepare and protect my family. What happens next then if you think that USD is likely to be replaced? China just rolled out their central bank digital currency (CBDC). It’s the surveillance state dream. All transactions tied to ID’d wallets. Transactions censorable, can be tied to your social credit score if wanted. Easily seized. They will use their financial influence to try to spread it around the globe as much as possible. What will the other options be? Perhaps an international currency issued by the IMF, SDRs. I doubt in these nationalist times that will be politically feasible. So that leaves bitcoin. Believe it or not no country is better suited to benefit from bitcoin’s ascendancy. This is a passage from a longer piece I linked in the other thread a while back. “In the absence of major entitlement reform, well-intentioned efforts to make Treasury bonds great again are likely doomed. Instead of restricting bitcoin in a desperate attempt to forestall the inevitable, federal policymakers would do well to embrace the role of bitcoin as a geopolitically neutral reserve asset; work to ensure that the United States continues to lead the world in accumulating bitcoin-based wealth, jobs, and innovations; and ensure that Americans can continue to use bitcoin to protect themselves against government-driven inflation.“ A very thorough piece is anyone is interested, written by an Austin resident. https://nationalaffairs.com/publications/detail/bitcoin-and-the-us-fiscal-reckoning I’m looking to preserve America’s position, not short it.
  4. Have you ever had any pets out there like a Husky or something?
  5. You still have major fundamental gaps in your understanding. There’s not a finite group of bros in charge of bitcoin. No CEO of bitcoin. Its monetary policy is set. Other more centralized currencies are controlled more by small groups of people. Ethereum’s monetary policy for instance has been changed before and will likely be changed again. There’s been non state money before. That’s essentially what gold is. Dalio has written a lot about the long term debt cycle. It repeats over time. Similar to the whole fourth turning thesis brisket is reading about, the cycle repeats because the people alive have not experienced it before. This quote summarizes it pretty well, “Ironically, the closer most people are to the blowup, which is also when the claims outstanding are largest relative to the amount of hard money and tangible wealth there is, the riskier the situation is but the safer people tend to feel. That is because they have held the debt and enjoyed the rewards of doing so. The longer it has been since the last blowup, the more people’s memories of it have faded—“ When this cycle of debt expansion and fiat money printing comes to an end, there will be a move to hard assets and hard money like every other time. Used to just be gold was an option. But now there’s bitcoin to fill that role. Things are falling in place.
  6. I’ve been pro bitcoin for a long time. I don’t know where the fuck you come up with pro Facebook? The other two I don’t want to trash this thread arguing. go fund me is a centralized service that can withhold money donated to different causes if pressured. They hold the money until they release it. The app I linked uses the bitcoin network. It’s a separate payment network. Donations are transmitted directly to someone’s personal node. There’s no intermediary. If someone runs their own node they control the funds instantly. You’re so delusional it’s kind of looney tunes.
  7. For those that question the need for, or utility of apolitical money. Bitcoin actually fixes this. I’d expect this episode to drive some adoption. This fundraiser will increase quickly now.
  8. Looks like Canadian authorities are trying to eliminate protest funding. If only there were a solution for the protestors… 🤔
  9. I guess this is what qualifies as press conference worthy in the ideal liberal metropolis.
  10. What’s funny is what people remember as disinformation ends up becoming acceptable. People are just coming around to it. The key points were 1-Natural immunity is roughly equivalent to vaccine immunity. 2-Caution is justified given the risk/benefit assessment in children and teens, especially boys, especially given #1. 3-Given the first two points, broad punitive mandates were unjust Never posted anything to do with ivermectin, HCQ or any other proposed early intervention.
  11. Isn’t he a rich white guy? The chances he has a fat wife are near zero.
  12. Just mass disseminating misinformation. Like I said, waiting for the warning label on the tweet. Vaccinating your kids Is a no brainer, says the expert grossly misstating one side of the risk/benefit.
  13. Looking back the two top regulators quitting that specialized in vaccines was a huge tell. They knew what was coming. I ask, what is the emergency/urgency that causes the government to request an EUA application from Pfizer after the initial trial failed?! Pfizer wasn’t going to and they’re like hey send it in now. Wtf is going on? Maybe it’s some of this unflagged disinformation that is causing government types to demand their toddlers get vaxxed? false false false I thought that someone like this that is pushing falsehoods that are likely negatively influencing public health policy is supposed to be sanctioned or tagged somehow?
  14. Not explicitly cancel, but the government asks Spotify to “do more”. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/white-house-urges-spotify-to-take-further-action-on-joe-rogan-more-can-be-done/ar-AATn7tL
  15. This is a bizarre move. Trial fails a low bar, trial altered, approve 2 shots anyway. But like they said, people who weren’t going to vaccinate their little kids still won’t. And people that were dying to vaccinate their little kids still will even without clear benefit.
  16. When you have to give a ridiculous response like this to defend your policy then it’s a ridiculous policy.
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