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Immaculate Vibes

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Everything posted by Immaculate Vibes

  1. This is the first I’ve heard of anyone really thinking this. Is this guy off his rocker?
  2. “In the heated debate over vaccine mandates, science and logic have often been lost amid politics and fear” It’s like he’s talking about you PW. Although I’d add spite is part of what drives your positions. Vaccine mandates work you cry, like the “I’m doing my part” gif. They work forcing people to take a vaccine. But it’s no longer necessary to force outliers to comply and it’s not worth the societal disruption, animus, and distrust it creates even among those already vaccinated. The conditions and data have changed, as laid out in the column. Unfortunately for you, you’re losing the argument. As an example the healthcare workers mandate re-instated but I can tell you at least where I work all hospital systems are just doing a check the box survey about your status. And two of the systems are part of national publicly traded companies. They’re handing out exemptions without questions. Is that because of manpower issues? Partially I’m sure. But I bet the CMOs that sit on the committees addressing national and local policy see the data and understand that the logic behind them no longer holds up. If mandates are necessary and make sense then Biden should push hard on enforcement of the ones he’s instated and expand requirements further. Boosters work. Mandates work. Let’s mandate boosters. Let’s keep not fully vaccinated from air travel. Go for it.
  3. I didn’t cry about it. I was laughing at her. I’m not a fan of mandates generally, but the Covid vaccine is definitely a different animal than other vaccinations. I started laying out why the Covid vaccine is different but then I realized a lot of the points were in the column I shared. I don’t feel duplicating a lot of it. Feel free to read and challenge the points included there.
  4. When my priors are challenged, I go to a credential check first as well. Smart move. That way you never find out you’re losing the argument.
  5. Nonsense. Imagine how much safer it would’ve been if every man, woman, and child had to scan a QR code verifying their vaccine status before being allowed to enter. In all seriousness it is a great column. Very hard to poke holes in it. The only one I can think of that he didn’t address was the whole unvaccinated people are source of mutations argument. But again we’re talking about maybe 10% of American adults that are unvaccinated and not previously infected. How much more replication really occurs in them than the millions of vaxxed that are getting infected? It’s a such a small differential that you’re trying to stamp out. And that’s without mentioning worldwide unvaxxed populations that are a much bigger vector for mutation that remains no matter how many people we vaccinate here under threat of unemployment or being excluded socially.
  6. Read before negging. Well reasoned and written.
  7. I thought this was interesting assessment by a man with a lot of experience.
  8. Clearance sale. There’s a toy store in New Braunfels that has the same brand of toys, but Liz Warren, Bernie, Fauci etc.
  9. Did he have a gastric bypass since TCu let him go?
  10. Yes, Volcker style. Lol. Imagine comparing stopping QE and then 3 forecasted rate hikes from 0% next year to what Volcker did. Hoo boy. This ain’t the medicine. This is a telegraphed, half assed attempt, but it won’t get too far.
  11. Thanks Biden. I figured. I can’t believe that 2 years in there’s still people and media outlets trying to alarm people about kids and Covid.
  12. Admitted for Covid? The kid fear mongering is so tired. Nobody that has half a brain or has had any kids that have had Covid is scared of them getting it.
  13. Beginning of bear markets, if this is it, are bad times to try to trade real shitcoins. Best to dca things like BTC or Eth for now.
  14. 2 year in is an emergency? Others have adjusted. We haven’t. Why does CDC still recommend masking down to 2 years old almost 2 years in? From the discussion I posted above. “What still boggles my mind, is when you just do the simple math using the German studyof infection-hospitalization rates in healthy children, you get a 1/2400 chance a healthy 12-17 year old will be hospitalized for COVID-19 requiring specific covid treatment (this eliminates incidental hospitalizations) and, now with omicron, that is likely around 1/5000 risk (or lower) and yet the rate of symptomatic post vax myocarditis after dose 2 in this age group is around 1/3000 (see below) and yet so few seem to be questioning dose 2 for them (when mathematically it’s the wrong decision), let alone dose 3, which seems a clear mistake to mandate without evidence of benefit. And the most recent NEJM study of vaccines in children found dose 1 may actually alone have all of the benefit in terms preventing hospitalizations (see Figure 2, which is shown below). These are important details that should be used to minimize harm.” This data is all out there.
  15. Our scientists/policy makers are very questionable, or sussy if you have kids. Does anywhere else recommend masking down to the age of 2 like our CDC does? I don’t think so. Schools were closed here longer than most of the rest of the world. As far as vaccinations go, we just have blanket recommendations, vaxx and boost everyone the same. Except we haven’t recommended boosting 5-11 year olds yet I believe. But all over the world there are reasonable modifications around policy based on science. No shots in young children. Not boosting teens. One shot after infection for teens. Recognizing natural immunity officially. No Moderna under 30. Do these different countries have bad science? Or are they actually following science related to a disease and vaccine that affects different portions of the population differently? Plenty of people can see that a lot of these things don’t make sense from just a common sense perspective like masking 3 year olds. Or keeping schools closed to protect adults. How does that affect confidence in policy makers? I’ll let you guess.
  16. A good discussion on evidence for masks, closures, etc. I’m anti-mandate, anti-vax pass, anti blanket policy for all ages and populations. I said the vast majority should’ve been vaccinated rather than waiting to contract Covid naturally first. I doubt these are considered anti-vax positions much outside of CR.
  17. Again, not the same. Do any other vaccines have a complication rate as high for something serious like myocarditis? Conservative estimate of 1 in 3-6,000 of the young male cohort that these mandates in part target. Let me help you out, no other vaccines do. For a virus that causes them minimal harm and the vast majority have already been exposed to. And you can still pop positive eventually. Dumb policy.
  18. Unvaxxed are running about 60-65% of Covid admissions this wave.
  19. This isn’t last January or March. The landscape and numbers have changed. You’re living in the past. It doesn’t make sense to mandate people that have already had documented Covid get vaccinated or be punished. Especially young people. The risk/benefit is not there imo. Especially how some of the whacked out colleges are mandating boosters in students. And that’s without touching school aged children. Precisely. Data is catching up more and more to what a lot of people have suggested for many months regarding natural immunity. Some people and posters have prefer to leave head in sand. One other key point from that study. “Among the two cohorts with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, no consistent incidence gradient by time since the previous diagnosis was observed.” It shows much less waning over time.
  20. Most of the unvaxxed by now have recovered from Covid. And i regret to inform you PW, that even the CDC is admitting the superiority of natural immunity. They aren’t stating it, but it’s what their most recent data shows. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e1.htm From May to November data in California and your beloved New York. Once Delta took over, naturally recovered, but unvaccinated were better across both cases and hospitalizations than two shots and never infected. “For example, during the week of October 3, compared with rates among unvaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, rates among vaccinated persons without a previous diagnosis were 6.2-fold lower (95% CI = 6.0–6.4) in California and 4.5-fold lower (95% CI = 4.3–4.7) in New York (Table 2). Further, rates among unvaccinated persons with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis were 29-fold lower (95% CI = 25.0–33.1) than rates among unvaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis in California and 14.7-fold lower (95% CI = 12.6–16.9) in New York. Rates among vaccinated persons who had had COVID-19 were 32.5-fold lower (95% CI = 27.5–37.6) than rates among unvaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis in California and 19.8-fold lower (95% CI = 16.2–23.5) in New York.” “During October 3–16, compared with hospitalization rates among unvaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, hospitalization rates were 19.8-fold lower (95% CI = 18.2–21.4) among vaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, 55.3-fold lower (95% CI = 27.3–83.3) among unvaccinated persons with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, and 57.5-fold lower (95% CI = 29.2–85.8) among vaccinated persons with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis.“ The effect of being vaxxed after recovering was quite minimal. None of this is to say that people, especially elderly or with co-morbidities, should seek out getting infected over getting vaccinated. They should get vaccinated. It’s just more evidence that excluding people from society or firing them when they are unvaxxed despite being infected is nonsensical. As more people see this kind of data along with the all the breakthrough infections from omicron that have followed this data, these mandates will be less and less popular. This all has the caveat that there is no booster data yet and we aren’t discussing booster mandates. No one here will say they want mandates to include boosters.
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