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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Some pretty top notch reeeeeing in this one
  2. "Real" journalists suck as much or more. They are nothing more than propagandists.
  3. It’s a school policy. It’s not in the Texas penal code like it was during the klan days. Think the criminal law was repealed in the 70s.
  4. Face masks, recently adopted to reduce the spread of COVID-19, have had the unintended consequence of increasing the difficulty of face recognition. In security applications, face recognition algorithms are used to identify individuals and present results for human review. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36409731/#:~:text=Face masks%2C recently adopted to,present results for human review.
  5. You can see his eyes. So no problem identifying per the big brains here.
  6. One day when you’re running the school your opinion will matter. The administration believes masks at outdoor protests are improper and thus have a policy against them. Those punished for masking against these rules can seek redress in the courts like the KKK did when hoods were banned in various jurisdictions.
  7. You obviously don’t know how police identify people. Eyewitnesses are no longer a thing, apparently.
  8. And when the cops arrest you quickly reach into your jacket pocket.
  9. They use lots of methods. It isn’t just facial recognition software. They have witnesses. Police lineups It isn’t just police. It’s also school officials. Or witnesses. Not every act is recorded on camera. So we are all straight, you don’t think the masks and face coverings at all make it more difficult for police, prosecutors, school officials or witnesses to identify someone who breaks the law or a rule? You don’t think an eyewitness’ testimony in court is at all less credible when they have to admit half of the defendant’s face was covered? stop being a fucking idiot just for once.
  10. We actually have a moron here who adamantly believes wearing a mask or covering part of a face doesn’t make it more difficult to identify someone. Why do we think the protest organizers recommended wearing masks? The world may never know.
  11. Why do you think so many protesters are wearing masks across the country? Not just n 95s.
  12. Well, I'm going to hit a few on the way home and don't want to bring a change of clothes.
  13. First. Be nice. Ask them politely to remove the mask. If they refuse and call the cop a cocksucker, be nice. Cop should then ask him to leave if he won't remove the mask. But be nice. If he won't walk, the cop should walk him. But be nice. If the cop can't walk him, get one of the other cops to help, but both will be nice. Be nice. Until it's time not to be nice.
  14. It's silly and rare at this point. People who wear masks in 2024 are either the occasional socially awkward misfit or the rare soul who might be sick or have immune issue. In contrast, there is a very, very large percentage of protesters wearing masks. The organizers encouraged protesters to mask up. And it has zero to do with Covid. It is to disguise their identity. You know this. You aren't that stupid.
  15. Cut off all utilities. And start blasting Hulk Hogan's theme song, "I am a Real American" at 130 decibels and on a loop.
  16. I don't have a problem with him voicing those opinions either. Unless he was calling for imminent violence or threatening someone with imminent violence, he should be free from any recriminations or punishment from state actors. His future employers and his private school can obviously do what they want. I do think masks or disguises should not be allowed in protests. Especially if they are being used to prevent the lawbreakers among otherwise peaceful protests from being caught and prosecuted for violating time/place/manner, damaging property, or committing violence.
  17. Just two more weeks and bro is going to stop the spread!
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