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Everything posted by BamaATL

  1. Because Barry Loudermilk is absolute shit heel of a human and gigantic coward. Regrettably, also my Congressman.
  2. Didn't vote because none of the options are what I think will happen. My guess is he is convicted in the hush money, convicted in the insurrection case, convicted in the documents case, and the Rico case is just underway prior to the election. Despite being convicted, and either sentenced or sentenced pending appeal, he still has the nomination and will be the nominee at the convention. Republicans will secretly want to drop him but won't have a choice and will see the matter thru. He loses the election in rather spectacular fashion. Between now and middle 2025 he will have exhausted appeals on at least one case with prison time and will be given a report date. The Bureau of prisons will arrange this and he will ultimately wind up at an Air Force Base prison (assuming he doesn't die between now and then, which I'd put at 50/50. He is going to prison, might not be a normal one, but its happening.
  3. With just a bit of engineering know how you can fashion a garden hose into a crude bidet. Nothing screams class like an outdoor bidet.
  4. What a fucking chode. Good news, yesterday was the worst day of Trumps life. Today will be worse for him (what a pity). He's pretty much to the point where every day of his remaining pitiful life is going to be the worst day of it; with things getting subsequently worse as it goes. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
  5. I'd say zero because when it comes right down to it he's a giant pussy. However, given his advancing dementia, I'd give it 10% before the trial is over he has some sort of outburst.
  6. So today his first criminal trials starts, down the hall his bond is up for rejection, and later this week his ridiculous immunity claim will be heard at the Supreme Court. It's a good day.
  7. I'm not sure Stacey is gonna run it back. Keisha Bottoms (former Atlanta Mayor) and Congresswoman Lucy McBath, are two of the names I've heard floated. McBath is interesting because she represents parts of suburban Atlanta and that could translate well (she changed suburban districts due to gerrymandering). The downside is that McBath means we would lose a good Democratic Congresswoman for an uphill battle (Dems would retain the seat). There are other people I've heard mentioned, but nothing that indicates to me it's anything but chatter. Make no mistake though, Duncan is a right wing lunatic, but a calculating one. I do have to give him credit, he has been by all accounts forthcoming and publicly honest about the crimes committed by Trump and Co regarding the rico case. However, he is certainly campaigning on this and it's already playing well and will continue to do so in suburban Atlanta.
  8. Swing votes, he'll run for Governor in Georgia after Kemp, and unfortunately, he stands a good chance of winning, at least in part because of his willingness to attack this.
  9. He'd never lose an election. He'd never leave office. He'd never get indicted. He'd never get busted for fraud. He'd never go to trial. They'd never be able to seat a jury. Now it's shifted to: well he'll never get convicted. Next it will be, well, he'll never get sentenced. Then it will be he'll never have to report. (Assuming he isn't dead, which I'd be fine with). I see an emerging pattern here.
  10. Good luck guys, my Blues just didn't have enough to sneak in this year. Watching Canes and Isles now to get it going, thus far, it's slow.... I really don't like Vegas, kick their asses.
  11. It's not a murder case (guilty or not guilty), there are what 34 counts? He slides a few, but no way on all. Good news, in about a month he will be a convicted felon. Bad news, there isn't much in the way of teeth with this. Better news, as soon as he leaves this court room a convicted felon, he will head to court for another criminal proceeding, and from here out, it gets worse.
  12. There are people 50 years old that don't recall the Kennedy's being overly relevant on a national level, so to me, this is a fair question. It's great they are endorsing Biden and not the clown show brother/cousin/whatever, but does it move the needle in any sense? No. No one really gives a shit what these people think, nor should they. Personally, and people's opinions of course will differ, but I'm well past being over the myth of the Kennedy's. Sure they will always be part of history, but man o man has it become quite the fish tale for a lot of people and the truth about it fairly ugly.
  13. I like how she says she is serving the American people, yet to my knowledge hasn't gotten a single piece of legislation, nor any pork, to help her district. Literally zero. And yet, she manages to say all his without the slightest sense of irony.
  14. Yep that's it. Not huge considering all the nonsense the guy spews and retweets, but the way that reads and implies is threatening. Though I have no doubt absolutely nothing will come of it.
  15. Apparently he retweeted or retruthed or whatever the fuck it is something from Fox news that should be considered threatening the jury pool earlier tonight. I'm sure the judge will issue a $14 fine and stern warning in the morning.
  16. I live immediately next door to her district, right now, there is no indication of any threat to her. I was really hoping she'd get squashed in redistricting, but alas, not to be. We will have to suffer her another two years, but hopefully by then shine will have faded considerably to them.
  17. House Republicans have turbofucked the House since last January. (Not to mention about 40 years, but I digress).
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