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Mitch Cumsteen

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mitch Cumsteen

  1. It's not the $20 million that's so bad, but why on earth guarantee him 4 years of it? Who exactly were they bidding against? Memphis flat out announced they weren't bringing him back at any cost. Nobody else had any cap left other than the Spurs. And they have zero interest in signing a guy like that. If I try hard enough I could talk myself into taking a flyer on him and buying low for a year with a second year team option but now you're stuck with that chucking jackass for half a decade. Also, can someone please explain to me why they are sending out assets to get rid of Washington and Garuba? Throwing in the towel on a 20 year old and a 21 year old after 1 and 2 years respectively just seems bizarre.
  2. Lol. Dame should get a cut of that contract. He had to have planned that out with him. What a dick.
  3. With all due respect, there’s no way to look at that third year as a win. It’s probably not going to make a difference in the end, but there’s a better than zero chance it comes back to bite them in the ass when trying to make moves. The whole thing is massive overpay for a second tier point guard but I get it. And that deal likely wasn’t getting done without year 3. They had to burn the cap somehow and lord knows that team needs some veteran leadership. I will say, though, that FVV can be a bit of a chucker. He was criticized in Toronto last year for numbers chasing to increase his value, which clearly worked. He’s not necessarily a pass first / set up guy. Thompson is actually more wired like that but obviously raw. He needs to be starting by that third year if not sooner. That could end up being a lot of cabbage for what ultimately ends up a backup point guard. But the Rockets are for sure better this morning than they were yesterday.
  4. It happens every year, but there's going to be a lot head scratching contracts handed out over the next 24 hours. It's a bad free agent class to begin with and there's plenty of teams with the mid level exception burning a hole in their pocket. And then there's a group of teams looking to create more cap room to outbid those who only have the MLE to offer. The Pacers got rid of Chris Duarte and the Nets just lopped $20 million of their payroll by sending Joe Harris to Detroit. And that Woj tweet is wrong -- the Nets are sending out those two SRP as a cost getting rid of that contract.
  5. They shitcan Van Gundy and keep Mark Jackson? It's like they don't give a flying shit about actual basketball fans. Is this a diversity thing? Are they going to replace him with one of those women who ruined the draft the other night?
  6. The single craziest stat about Andre Drummond is that he's only 29 years old. He must have gone pro when he was 12.
  7. It's honestly not a bad contract for him, but boy is Chicago stuck in purgatory. Pushing all of your chips into the table for Vooch, Lavine and Derozan was beyond stupid. It's obviously an overpay but Houston had to do something to get up to the floor and these are both short term deals so there's nothing catastrophic here. It could take them out of next year's free agent market, but they could always move those expirings in a sign and trade if need be. FVV is a solid get, especially compared to the prospect of bringing back Harden. I honestly wouldn't want Dillon Brooks within 100 miles of a young team like this, though.
  8. Fat Gare made his bones taking HS QBs and moving them to LB and DB. Mack Brown fucked our program for a decade trying to do the same thing.
  9. @ztejas is right about Reaves. I just realized that the Lakers can only offer him $50 million right now because CBA stuff. I would imagine that someone is going to offer Reaves $25/year and see if the Lakers blink I don't think they will. And it's not going to look like a terrible deal in four years. It has a better than zero chance to look like a bargain. I think he's a better all around player than Tyler Herro who is signed for $120 million over the same four years as Reaves will be signed for. Reaves can play off the ball. He can play on the ball. He can run pick and roll. He's an actual playmaker. He doesn't turn it over. He's a knock down three point shooter. He gets to the line. He's a good enough defender to where nobody is going hunting for him. He didn't flinch at all during the playoffs. In fact, his numbers got better. And he's on a really good trajectory from year one to year two at only 24 years old. Look at his numbers pre- and post-Westbrook. He took a massive step once that ball stopper got moved and they put the ball in his hands while the Lakers made their run from the lottery to the playoffs.
  10. I ate there yesterday. It's where El Bosque used to be on West Avenue. I probably ate at El Bosque a million trillion times growing up. Palomar was pretty damn good. I don't know if I'd necessarily call it non Tex-Mex, though. It's a little more upscale and pricey than your typical SA joint, but still Tex-Mex overall. They have plenty of non Tex-Mex items, but you can still knock out a plate of enchiladas, crispy taco, rice y beans. Also, there is a new Mexican food joint just down West Avenue where the old Boston Subworks used to be. I tried it a few weeks back and it was pretty solid as well. They also put a Nichas where the old Taco Flats used to be but I haven't tried it yet. That's a pretty solid 1-2-3 stretch of Mexican food joints within a few blocks of each other.
  11. You obvioulsy don't have a ceramic crab big enough to have its own zip code hanging up in your bathroom, silently mocking you while you brush your teeth.
  12. Free agency starts Friday. It's a crappy market, overall. The Rockets are reportedly linked to nearly every free agent. Or more likely, every player agent is using them to bump their client's value. But they also have a ton of money to spend. I'm sure they will disburse it wisely. The new CBA penalizes you for not hitting the salary floor. First, the money below the floor gets distributed back to the NBAPA and not to guys on your own team. Secondly you don't get a distribution of the luxury tax payments. This year it's only a 50% penalty, but next year you get zilch. So essentially every cheap bastard team will find their way to the floor before the season starts either by trade or free agent signing. The Lakers are publicly claiming they will match any offer for Austin Reaves. If you are so insistent, just go ahead and max him for $102 million over four years yourself. I double dog dare you. There's a lot of Draymond chatter, but I can't imagine him leaving the Warriors especially with Poole gone and his contract off the books. Teams with money to spend: That's a lot of teams with money to burn in a bad free agent class and several teams below the floor that won't stay there. It's also a lot of teams that are in win-now mode who don't own their draft picks. We're going to see some awful, head scratching contracts over the weekend.
  13. Any sane man would factor in wealth among the most desirable characteristics of a woman with a net worth of $500 million. All I can think is, "I can't imagine how much useless shit this broad must own."
  14. It was such low hanging fruit that posting it seemed like a win-win situation. I typically don't have the bandwidth for something like this and I thought about putting a pin in it, but it is what it is. I ran it up the flagpole, tried to be as granular as possible and put it in the pipeline, but the data never lies.
  15. The era argument is always stupid. If Jokic had played in the 1980s, people today would say he's too slow and couldn't play in today's pace and space era.
  16. They owe their FRP to OKC, top ten protected, and they want it convey next year. Whether Collins is the difference between making the playoffs and not, is a better question. I think he sucks and has a terrible contract that Atlanta should be thrilled to be getting out from under without sending more assets. The western conference is going to be brutal next year. There won't be one single team in tank mode other than Portland and that's only if they dump Lillard. Everybody else either has all their chips pushed into the table and/or doesn't own their pick. Other than the Spurs, that is, but I can't imagine them outright tanking unless they get hit with the injury bug.
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