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Everything posted by Vegas64

  1. Agree 100%. If nothing else this has been a refresher to how funny and charming JD can be. Not since Nic Cage have you seen a public relations rehab so quick and fast.
  2. Welp. Seems to be teh same thing that happened in Game 1 against PHX. No need to overreact. Rest Luka, ice his shoulder. He wasn't good today.
  3. brutal game. Luka not playing well. Call it what it is.
  4. I guess that is the crux of the debate. And thriving is subjective, but to your point about basic living (rent, food, etc.) that is the big debate flashpoint lately with cities like Austin today or San Francisco and Manhattan and other expensive places in the past. Historically the answer has been "sorry, live somewhere else and/or commute in when you want to be a part of the cosmopolitan crowd and scene." royiv beat me to it.
  5. What restaurant was that? Assuming it was near AA Center?
  6. I think I see the problem. That said, everyone is about to be in for a very rude awakening. Winter is coming. Just hang on to your job and continue doing well and when we make it out of this nasty recession that's coming, you'll be in good shape. Stock market is bludgeoning us today after a dead cat bounce earlier this week. 2K more more drop and we will be back to pre-pandemic market!
  7. Yea but they had Bone Thugs n Harmony one year. Jewish Frat 1, Heathen Frats 0.
  8. Gotcha, I thought the defenders hand touching the rim superseded it. But this makes sense.
  9. Looks like a goaltend though
  10. Is it any wonder, then, that those who have this now are fighting so hard to keep it? An argument could be made that your main job as a parent is to either endow or imbue, depending on your resources, the most and best privileged situation you can to your children.
  11. As I read Briskettexan's posts and others who have either given up hope for our political institutions or way of life or are almost there and I read a statement by Biden yesterday in Buffalo with the families of the tragic hate crime, and I've been considering the language used. Biden said, and I'll quote him here, "“American experiment in democracy is in danger like it hasn’t been in my lifetime.” We are implicitly acknowledging that what America is trying to do, in breadth and scope and sheer complexity, is an experiment. How many times have we used or heard that word in relation to the unique American motion of integrating politics, rights, people, business, freedoms, etc.? Experiments have a reasonable expectation of failure. That is why we engage with them, to see if things work because we don't know the answer beforehand. I guess what I'm saying is, maybe we shouldn't be so surprised that our experiment might have worked when easier managed with a lower complexity of a smaller population size, a more homogenous group of people with more homogenous north star values. When opening up the aperture, our experiment might be too overloaded and fail at scale. And failure in experimentation is okay. Trial and error are necessary. After all that is why we experiment. The risk and the problem is if we fail and we don't have any Plan B's or other hypothesis to test that could be better, which I think is where the doomscrollers should focus the conversation.
  12. 14 blocked shots through 3 quarters? Block Party.
  13. Miami defense has really come on in this 3rd quarter.
  14. I’m generally a fan of Elon, but this is getting embarrassing: “I think it is important to be clear here that Musk is lying. The spam bots are not why he is backing away from the deal, as you can tell from the fact that the spam bots are why he did the deal. He has produced no evidence at all that Twitter’s estimates are wrong, and certainly not that they are materially wrong or made in bad faith. (Musk can only get out of the deal if Twitter's filings are wrong in a way that would cause a “material adverse effect” on Twitter, which is vanishingly unlikely.) His own supposed methodology for counting spam bots is laughable. Yesterday Twitter’s chief executive officer, Parag Agrawal, tweeted a threadexplaining in general terms how Twitter estimates that fake accounts represent fewer than 5% of its count of active users, and how this analysis can’t be easily replicated by outsiders (because they don’t know which accounts are real, and also because they don’t know which accounts Twitter counts as daily active users). It seems clear that Agrawal’s thoughtful answer is basically correct.[1] Musk responded with a poop emoji.”
  15. I read that eminem was speechless after hearing Kendrick's new album which has me geeked to hear it.
  16. Vegas64


    The schadenfreude is delicious. Couldn't happen to a more unlikable and hate-able guy.
  17. Pat Bev clearly has beef with CP3, which is fine and hilarious, but come on now Pat. You are who you are.
  18. This thread is wild’n out now. If you disclose “I have HIV+ and/or AIDS, still want to do this?” Then okay, caveat emptor and let your freak flag fly. Consenting adults should be free to do whatever they want morally and legally (and I understand sex work is illegal in this scenario). If there is no forthcoming disclaimer then that should criminal assault with a deadly weapon. Also the guy who used Uber as an example, what are you even talking about? The worst trick finance heads ever played on business was that EBITDA was a good metric. Charlie Munger has a funny blurb about it. Still, Uber also posted a $5.9 billion loss in the period. "We are serving multi-trillion dollar markets, but market size is irrelevant if it doesn't translate into profit," he said
  19. Very telling of your blindspot and/or privilege that you would say “most everyone says 1950’s-1970’s” was the golden age for America. As C.K. Lewis said, “if I’m black and have a time machine I don’t want to go anywhere before 1980 at least!”. Also, I think the nature of work and industry has dramatically changed to where 1950’s-1970’s jobs and skills and what those average jobs and skills can be valued at will never the be same. Lastly, are you just unaware that a cataclysmic population event called a great world war 2, plus being stronger and richer than everyone who had to fight and have their infrastructure destroyed, along with artificial and unsustainable government intervention created the era you are longing for again? You realize it was not an organic or naturally occurring result?
  20. Yea, a Game 7 against the #1 seed is house money for Mavs fan. I'm an anti-Suns fan. Suns hater, I guess.
  21. Let's be honest, Mavs forcing a Game 7 after the first 2 game blowouts is a win. The fact that it's any Given Sunday and a one-game playoff means anything can happen and that's pretty cool. Worst case scenario the detestable and easy to hate Suns are forced to expend 7 games of energy and risk some injuries. Best case we get to laugh at Chris Paul and Booker for choking. House money.
  22. What happened to Boban being too proud to come up for mop up garbage time?
  23. give me odds and i'll make a bet with you if you are pretty sure about Game 7
  24. This one ain't over. Almost all the Mavs games going back to the Utah series seem to be won or lost in the 3rd quarter.
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