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Everything posted by GenXer

  1. The tub club always looked like a reputable place with its grey cinder block construction.
  2. Curious as to where they’ll put it. The footprint of that park is already a bit frankenstein-ish. We went there last Sept and were underwhelmed by the Harry Potter area. Their limited real estate makes making a large area difficult.
  3. I member when Frisco was just one stop light on a 2 lane 121 at Preston. And Michelle’s ranch.
  4. Surprisingly, I’ve had very good customer service when I’ve spoken with the IRS. Several years ago, someone filed a false return using my info. It took some time and a number of calls to get everything sorted out with the IRS; they were patient, organized, consistent, and provided clear instructions on next steps. Compare that to some private industry sectors like the airlines (looking at you, Southwest). During those discussions, the IRS said they spent like 80% of their time on resolving false filings. Not that I’m endorsing the move to tax on consumption, but at first glance that would solve the false filings to get refunds. The consumption tax would open up a whole other set of problems.
  5. This is a good point, and I hope is the key reason why no charges have been filed against Trump. I’ve served on a jury where the defendant had two counts of aggravated assault. Jury deliberations were very interesting as you see the cross section of the pool of your community and their perspectives on life. I suspect the prosecution is going to know they will have foxnews viewers in their pool, and these prospective jurors will come to the party with alternative facts.
  6. Wesenberg - “This is America. The government doesn’t get to tell you what to do with your bodies.” Also Wesenberg…
  7. Airborne Toxic Event puts on a really good show. Saw them in Dallas at House of Blues last year.
  8. @Bama Chick you were expressing interest in government work. There seems to be an open position.
  9. How dare you besmirch the good name of George Santos with such lies.
  10. Another big republican win! Batting 2 for 13. Pizza party time.
  11. I’m disappointed in myself. Seven was teed up for me.
  12. My sister overdosed after her husband committed suicide. She was sitting in front of me when she took her last breath, slumped over, and the light disappeared from her eyes. I gave her CPR until the paramedics arrived. They revived her but her brain began to swell in the ICU. She was pronounced brain dead. She was an organ donor and likely saved other people’s lives with her heart, lungs, kidneys. I reacted slower that I could’ve if I was prepared to give CPR. Learn CPR and be prepared to give it immediately.
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