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Everything posted by GenXer

  1. IMG_0427.MOV SWA passenger reunited with bag. NYE saved!
  2. I had a yard sign, worked a call center five times, hosted a call center in my home, did door to door canvassing in my neighborhood, and donate around $500 each election cycle. I also PM’d you directly about developing a website to publicly expose J6 insurrectionists. You basically told me “good luck with that”. My developer can build a prototype. I will fund the prototype. Based on your posting history, I take it that you’re a professional political operative. Speaking for myself, I do this in my free time. I post here to vent. Dems need to fight dirty to combat the Republican propaganda machine. I’m ready to go to battle. Who’s down with creating a surly PAC and do some cambridge analytica shit? I am.
  3. Montreal was surprisingly a non-event in Jan. Canadians know how to deal with snow.
  4. True. I traveled to Detroit every week for 3+ years in the late 90’s. When the snow hits and AA cancels their flights, I can get an agent to put me on a Delta flight and not have to worry about “how will I get my checked bag”.
  5. Cost of prescription drugs is still problematic. Republican politicians and their propaganda outlets have always vilified healthcare and cost reform. Cruz built his career on it and yet he still gets re-elected. I’m skeptical that the ex-republicans catalyzed by Trump will stick around once he is no longer around. Hope I’m wrong cause healthcare and prescription cost will continue to rise without government intervention.
  6. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/rollaboard-rollerboard-suitcase_l_621feda3e4b0a7b54cd8d74c/amp Apparently, this is a question being debated. Now, I’ll have to ponder it myself.
  7. I’m glad I don’t have your clean clothes OCD thing. That would suck. My OCD is focused on my debit card, passport, insulin and glasses. Jeans are just getting broken in on their first wearing after a wash. Haha. I’ve had a delayed bag on SWA when I checked due to more than one clothing category. That had a significant impact on my evening plans. My wife had one checked bag that decided to make a visit to belgium when she flew from Dallas to Maryland. I’ve never had a problem fitting my rollerboard in an overhead. They make the overheads larger these days as far as I can tell but I fly AA almost exclusively. I agree with your efficiency comment. Newb fliers should be required to watch an unwritten rules of air travel training video before traveling. I applaud your commitment to checking bags. More room for the rest of us in the overhead. Keep on keeping on.
  8. I bought a B&R rollerboard in ‘99 for about $400. I’ve had it repaired twice for free by B&R. They stand behind their products. It’s still in good shape, and I have 1.5 million miles on AA and 200K on Delta. It’s the rare occasion when I check a bag. It’s normally when I have a 2+ week international trip that requires more than one category of dress (biz + tourism + cold weather gear). I trained my wife how to travel when I took her to Greece when we were dating. Pack right; pack light. You gotta carry your own stuff. My family knows this, and we all pack to travel without checking bags. Checking bags introduces another variable that can screw up your plans.
  9. Some, like me, bailed in the 90’s when Republicans showed they didn’t give a shit about making healthcare affordable.
  10. Yeah. The simulation jumped the shark with “Fraud Guarantee”.
  11. Hanging at Cincinnati airport right now. AA flight canceled due to equipment. New plane coming in from Dallas right now. Hopefully, the crew won’t exceed their flight time and I get back to Dallas tonight. My stay at the hotel was a train wreck. Sub zero temps caused the fire sprinkler to burst in room across from ours at 3:30 AM on Fri night. Fire alarm went off for 15 min, and then again at 4:30. The hotel decided to hire a sidewalk snow clearing vendor to scrape the sidewalks on two separate nights at 3 AM and 4:30 AM. Could be worse. I could be flying SWA. The line at the SWA desk was a madhouse. TV crew was setting up to capture some man-on-the-street interviews.
  12. We got married on Santorini in June 2005. We stayed in Imerovigli at Astra suites. It’s much more peaceful the Fira or Oia. I think the sunset at Oia is overrated. on a separate trip, we stayed in Fira in 2002. I recommend staying in Imerovigli. There’s a easy walking path along the caldera if you want to walk to Fira.
  13. Never seen this before. I assume it’s from last year. Regardless, Trump is a dickhead.
  14. I’ve had cataract surgery and I’ve had treatment for retinopathy. What’s the treatment for retinopathy you ask? The ophthalmologist sticks a needle into your eye and injects a steroid or some other shit. It floats around in your field of vision for several hours. Cataract surgery didn’t bother me. The needle in the eye did. I passed out in the waiting room afterward. Pro tip - wear an eye patch and put it on immediately after the injection. It’ll help with the floating fluid in the field of vision mind fuck. Also, type 1 diabetes sucks.
  15. Do this. write the following on the back of the print certified NFT - GUID 625f95b3-dc47-4cf4-8400-e9f0f271ed01 Write it with a crayon. Bonus points for misspelling “certified”
  16. I’m at the airport. Should I be worried about my assassination coordinates?
  17. Right click. Save as… This technological wizardry confounds MAGA
  18. I wonder if he even knew about the 30%. It doesn’t appear he did much analysis on pricing. He probably fired that department. Upthread, someone mentioned he lowered the checkmark price when stephen king questioned it. I get the sense, he simply picked a lower number that sounded more palatable. I bet he got surprised by an invoice from apple.
  19. I’m having difficulty distinguishing what you’re describing as opposed to code snippets/plugins/etc that devs have been pulling from websites for years. Maybe ai can systemically identify the best code from some ai repository as opposed to a dev looking for it themselves. There seems to be value for the ai approach there. Story grooming sessions will be a lot of fun trying to describe the desired functionality to Max Headroom. If development goes the way of ai, requirements/story writing will need to conform to a very strict format that leaves no room for interpretation or nuance.
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