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  1. Wow, dude nuked himself. Fucking brutal way to go.
  2. Huh? What do you think is going to happen, coaches are just going to start prison shanking each other? This event should be 1-2 days max.
  3. Not a political person by any means but reading about Project 2025 has frightened the fucking shit out of me. The people advocating for this shit are either evil and/or lack the foresight of the consequences of what’s being discussed. I can’t imagine worshiping a politician to the point of wanting to promote that person to absolute ruler of our country. This is about as un-American as a manifesto could be, yet those that support this proclaim themselves as patriots. What a bizarre world that we live in.
  4. It was a crucial signing for Boston. Finally have a 1C and can move Zacha to his actual position of LW. Still think they need one more scoring threat on the second line. On another note, it sounds like there’s more bullshit getting in the way of an extension with Swayman. Not sure what the issue is but it’s absolutely necessary that the Bruins get this done quickly.
  5. Vertuzzi

    USMNT 2024

    I think the US absolutely has the players to make it through to the KO stage of the Copa. Not saying they could beat Brazil or Argentina but they certainly have the talent to make some noise. Toughen up the team, simplify the game plan, play guys in their appropriate positions, and remove loser bullshit culture like telling the team the score of a different game in the middle of our game.
  6. And he’s gone to Columbus.
  7. Would still love to see the B’s add another scoring threat to the top 6. Not sure what’s left over after the signings from this morning. Wouldn’t hate Sean Monahan from the Jets.
  8. Looks like the Bruins are signing Zadorov and Lindholm from Vancouver. We get our center and a solid piece to add to the backend.
  9. My comments are solely directed towards their fans. The players are great! Fans are horrible.
  10. Those people are 10x worse than me, trust me. I live adjacent to them. I travel to Toronto/Montreal for work and talk hockey with coworkers. These people are absolutely out of their minds and actively think the NHL is conspiring against teams from Canada. One could even describe them as northern aggies. They deserve their hockey misery.
  11. Does CDC have a background in espionage lol? Seen multiple reports of him conducting covert ops like he’s in Islamabad trying to recruit assets. Using unsuspected cars, meeting in discrete locations to avoid crowds, hiding in plain sight to drive the asset back to HQ in Austin. Sending private jets to Omaha, only to have them turn around and fly back to Austin halfway through the trip. Guy’s a master at hiding his trail.
  12. You must not hang around Habs/Leafs fans too often, eh? Fuck all of them and let them soak in misery for many years to come.
  13. Last time I was in Amalfi, I ate two Amalfi lemons whole, drank tons of limoncello, and ate a handful of lemon candies. My teeth were sensitive for the next week. Can’t wait to go back to do it again!
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