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Everything posted by Bottlecap

  1. Jester King on saturday evening looked like Mardi Gras 2019. Only like 5-10% masked, including staff. I find this particularly remarkable since breweries are definitely bought into the progressive culture, although JK is nearly 100% outdoors. Beer and pizza were still fantastic.
  2. they'd probably make WAY more money with mexico in Houston, so if the US is on the other side, i bet they give it to austin as a "reward". Getting into that match will be next to impossible.
  3. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    for the southwest folks
  4. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    for the southies
  5. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    thats a superior set up IMO rather than four in a row. way easier to bullshit during games.
  6. more like a bunch of fat dads in brewery logo gear and bent brim random sports teams hats
  7. I've been to several will call games and i've never seen anyone turned down. Even several innings into the game.
  8. Fitlump would be downright horny reading these last few pages.
  9. WTF is it SNOWING in Manchester? I'm watching in spanish, but i think i heard the announcer say it was ZERO degrees.
  10. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    its GAME THREE dude but yeah, stuver seems really shaky back there. and with our style of playing out of the back, he's gotta get better with his footwork. i think we'll have at least one deflected keeper error goal in the next few games. and those punches gotta be better clearances. gallagher has to be in the first 11 Question: (i could easily look this up i guess, but lazy), how many subs does a side get per match? saturday was only the 3rd ever full MLS match i've watched and i think i counted 5 for AFC.
  11. Oh cute. The default "HoW ManY HoMELess PeoPLE ArE You HouSINg" trope. What do you think? Zero. They were tented and stable. Often fed and access to most services including transportation, waste, and medical (on saturdays and sundays). But now, NOW ... I may have some of them camping on my property or maybe in the woods behind the neighborhood. You might too. That would be goddamned funny if that happened to you. Maybe you can round up a posse too. you and cajun.
  12. Yes, if there is one steel clad truth, particularly on surly, is that we anticipate LEOs to handle situations involving the destitute or Blacks with nothing but a fuzzy embrace. But when the Venn Diagram involves both characteristics .. well, thats when APD really pours on the charm!
  13. I think one could certainly be Anti Prop B and Anti-camping, but not Pro Prop B and Pro Humanity. I wonder how many of these christian conservative white guys like Cajun are the ALL LIVES MATTER GODDAMMIT ilk? Or how many of these moderate left dorks boast one of those "In THIS house ... " yard signs. The irony is too much, but VERY fucking Austin.
  14. someone come get their offended white guy
  15. "who's actually going to pay for it" wasn't on the proposition. it was literally criminalizing/non criminalizing. that's it. again, i'm all for getting them out of the underpasses and medians and parks, and i don't want them shitting in town lake or whatever, but getting there didn't mean having to fucking add to their burdens either. i'm not blaming any of you mini dicks, i totally get it. honestly i struggled with it to, but morally, i felt better about going a different way than a lot of you. i fully realize this is the doing of our idiot council.
  16. jesus, that sounds like something my maga MIL would write on FB, except about americans and caravans of mexicans
  17. you should film this rant in your F-650 this is a website that still openly and frequently uses the R word, so i can see why my posts triggered your small dicked brain
  18. a central one. lots of camps nearby. do i want them there? no. am i angry that they have to go? also no. but they were still my neighbors anyway and they are human beings. i voted against, my wife voted for after some internal back and forth. let's see what tovo can do i guess.
  19. as opposed to not being weirdly whatever a male karen is called and having a normal looking penis
  20. there's no way Texas wouldn't be absolutely horny over joining Gilead. Probably the most unrealistic thing about this show so far.
  21. damn, this is inverted dick energy here lol
  22. Lots of white male small dick energy in this thread. Keep it up boys!
  23. I couldn't pay attention to the series last weekend as closely as I wanted to, but noticed Cam and Ardoin were out. I know Cam was an ankle tweak or something like that, but didn't hear anything about Silas. Any timetable on their return?
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