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Everything posted by 406W30th

  1. Transfer rumors have been pretty quiet this summer but there's some murmurs about Saul and Dutch striker Donyell Malen from PSV. Saul would be an incredible signing, but I know nothing about Malen, other than he's also been linked with Dortmund, which makes me think he's a really good prospect.
  2. https://youtu.be/3EiE7eLWI_M Video won't embed because UEFA but holy shit that was just about the worst PK imaginable.
  3. It's U-23 + three senior players. Pretty dumb but that's the way they've done it for the last 20 years or so.
  4. Sounds like Neco and Phillips both want to leave to get more game time. Can't blame them but I'm not sure we'll be able to easily find replacements, especially for Neco. He's not great but he's serviceable and he at least provides something in the attack. I hate the thought of Joe Gomez as our backup RB, especially coming off a bad injury. Liverpool will demand £10M for Neco and around £12M for Phillips, which I think are fair prices and decent business for us. Phillips will go down as a cult hero for what he did for us this year. He was absolutely vital for us, which is crazy considering we were trying to offload him to Swansea last year.
  5. Aston Villa beat Arsenal to sign Emi Buendia for £33M, a club record for both Villa and Norwich. Great signing and major upgrade over Barkley.
  6. Wirtz can't describe how talented he is.
  7. Happened w/ Joe Gomez. Twice. International soccer sucks ass. (Yes, I will still be watching the Euro.)
  8. Managing at the club level is a lot more interesting and challenging than at a national team, where you rarely get to work with players or shit, even manage games. The stakes are higher but you have far less control and fewer opportunities for success. I can't really think of any in-demand manager in their prime who's chosen country over club, with the possible exception of Jogi Loew, who seems perfect for the role. National team gigs are more desirable for managers in the twilight of their career. Or in the case of de Boer, the only gig he can get.
  9. Took Everton to 12th and then 10th. Absolute legend.
  10. Tielemans would be awesome but I can't see us spending the cash it would require. Leicester always does fantastic business when selling their players (and their scouting is arguably the best in the league) so I don't see us getting any sort of good deal on him. We could certainly use another central midfielder but it's not as critical as getting a high-end attacker. Still think Bissouma makes the most sense. I know I said it before but Sander Berge would be awesome and probably very cheap.
  11. Hell yeah. Now let's get another reliable engine in the midfield and a forward to compete with Bobby.
  12. Another entry into the crowded Wisconsin Dem primary – State Senator Chris Larson. I've been hoping he was going to run. He and Nelson are the most progressive of the candidates, and I like them both, but Larson has more name recognition and will drive more turnout in Milwaukee and Madison. I still worry about Lasry buying his way into the general but I'm glad I have a clear favorite now.
  13. That's my thinking too, but I actually think it should be Kabak. He didn't set the world on fire but he came in and played from day one and never really looked out of place. He also had a fantastic performance against Leipzig in the CL. We might not be interested at the agreed-upon price but I think if we offered £15M it would be a great deal. He's got a high ceiling and has already settled into the team. Nat was a damn warrior for us and more or less saved the season. I wouldn't be against keeping him but I think we could recoup 50-75% of the price we'd pay for Kabak. The wildcard is Ben Davies, who is definitely sticking around, according to Pearce. Then again, can he even stay fit? We need a new physio staff.
  14. Could see them grabbing Ings on the cheap.
  15. After a summer of relative austerity last year, will clubs get back to their pre-COVID levels of spending? Probably not but there should be some juicy sagas, not least of which will be if Harry Kane forces his way out of Tottenham, and either Haaland or Sancho leaving Dortmund for astronomical fees. I'm guessing there's a lot of small-ish deals and no club breaks the bank until they've got fans back and 100% attendance for a full season. Liverpool look set to land Leipzig CB Ibrahim Konate:
  16. I probably sound out of my mind but I think we have a legit shot at Haaland, though that may only be feasible if we sell one of Mané or Salah. Hard to imagine this side without Salah, but it might be the right time to cash in on him, if there's a side willing to pay us what he's worth. Konate sounds done and dusted. I'd keep Kabak – he's only been about a replacement level defender but he's had some time to settle in and I'm not sure you can find a fourth-choice CB as good as him for £20M. You want to ease Virg and Gomez back in and having depth will be very important. As for Gini's replacement, Bissouma is the rumored guy but I think I'd prefer Sander Berge, who'd be cheaper and wouldn't leave when the rest of our team departs for AFCON. Is he tight w/ Haaland? Love having Scandinavians in the squad.
  17. Yang's version of UBI sucks ass. I bet Bob Dole would actually love it.
  18. Nah, if any game was made for our two alehouse CBs it's Burnley. Fabinho/Jones/Thiago is our best midfield.
  19. Leaving the city during the pandemic should absolutely disqualify him. When questioned about it, he gave just about the worst possible answer imaginable: No fucking shit dude, it was hard. Millions of people did this because they didn't have the luxury of escaping to the Hudson Valley. How on earth does anyone connect with this fucking robot?
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