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Everything posted by EastHorn

  1. Masters should be a national holiday. Same with Texas/OU
  2. I’m happy for CU and their fans. The last time they had this success their best player was a downhill skier. Their coach was also stupid enough to put a female kicker on their roster. A player murdered his pregnant girlfriend. This program is turning it around.
  3. Oh boy CSU. I think I could have flunked my last two years of high school and ended up there.
  4. Man I remember when let those school play in mile high. They made broncos fans look like golf fans.
  5. Naw that's a rivalry game. CSU would give the Barnett teams fits. They were never just on national tv.
  6. This is where Texas gives up a quick score. I hate this team sometimes.
  7. They need to do like hockey where a team reviews every play and tells the refs if a play needs to be stopped or not.
  8. I think the greatest league this year.
  9. That picture triggers the same part of my brain like seeing an FTX logo. The part that says "if those idiots only knew what's coming"
  10. Curious the surly parent experience on explaining this to kids. Makes me feel old thinking people didn't watch everything unfold.
  11. The Alabama intro music in the background is perfection with this.
  12. Riding Blue Ridge is never disappointing. Now we just need a win today.
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