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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. My first street bike and my most recent street bike. The R1 got upgraded with an ECU flash from Superbike Unlimited and a 3/4 Akrapovic exhaust.
  2. I see a lot of more recent QBs talked about and all, and people are going to say “but this, but that,” however… if VY can redshirt I’m fine with mortals redshirting.
  3. I already make her a spicy green chicken pozole with fresh tomatillo, etc. which is better than her mother’s, though she won’t say that in front of her.
  4. My problem is that I need a 38.5” sleeve. Even the freak stores stop at 38”. The only way I can get a sleeve long enough is for the shirt to be too big such that the seam between the body and the sleeve is off my shoulder. I don’t mind it for sweatshirts and the like but it’s kind of funky on dress shirts. I, therefore, very rarely wear a long sleeve dress shirt. I don’t even have occasion to wear them enough to get some new ones tailored, so I make do with some XXLT Izods and spend the whole time tugging on my cuffs. I’ll take a look at the True Classic brand and see what’s what. Thanks.
  5. Texas’ record on their own field is about the same as that juggernaut’s conference winning percentage, regardless of conference. As well as they think they do against their conference world, that’s what Texas does to them on their own field.
  6. And it’s not like Texas could’ve walked away without paying anything even in 2025, right? I haven’t followed the numbers super closely because no one was going to ask for my advice, but it’s my understanding that this amount is lower than the contractual amount owed in 2025. Obviously, that was subject to negotiation, as well, but still. If I have the numbers wrong, I’m hopeful someone can post or link to them.
  7. I honestly don’t know if I can survive the aftermath of Texas curb stomping them next season.
  8. I’ll call them “shrimp soft tacos,” then. Me gustan los camarones. My girlfriend occasional says she’s going to make “chicken green chili.” I inevitably say, “casserole, not chili.” She rolls her eyes and life goes on. My problem is that even though she’s Hispanic and eats jalapeños with everything and even though her mom makes good salsa, I like stuff spicier than she does. It usually doesn’t matter much because I can tone stuff down, but I don’t like making bland chili. The chili paste I make for 3 pounds of meat has two ounces of dried peppers — 2 ancho, the rest arbol (15 or so? just depends, since it’s based on weight) — toasted and reconstituted along with some chipotle with adobo. That’s about at her limit, so I split it when it’s done and let it simmer with some pepper flakes. Not ideal, but it works.
  9. I can’t in good conscience support OU winning anything at any time. However, if OU were somehow to backdoor their way into a Texas-OU Big 12 Championship game on the way out of the conference, I think the angst and embarrassment it would cause the Big 12, coupled with beating them twice in one season, wouldn’t be awful.
  10. Seriously, on what planet do Texas and OU join and not keep their game? They planning on pods and other fixed games?
  11. That someone has a particular emotional response to the phrase “chink in the armor” or “niggardly,” for example, or to “The Eyes” shouldn’t, imo, be more important than actual facts and meanings. People can have whatever emotional response they want to such things, but that imposes no burden on anyone else to accommodate it. At some point, it becomes emotional blackmail to demand others place your feelings above facts and infantilizing to accommodate it.
  12. My physician wants to hear about that about as much as I want to tell him about it. Might have to think of KKL.
  13. “They’re not getting here in 2024. They know it. They lied to the recruits. Typical sips.” “Of course they’re going to be here in 2024. They pulled all the right strings. Typical sips.”
  14. Will Naloxone work in this situation, because I’m going to need something.
  15. I can’t fit in an unmodified Lamborghini, but I’m willing to help out with some of the other ones.
  16. Not sure what the downside would be there as long as Maalik gets real snaps running the real offense before it happens.
  17. Congrats and well done. I don’t track like I used to. At this point, if my pants are a little tighter, I’m messing up. When I did, the math helped me fight back the frustration when water weight or whatever caused my weight to stay the same or even increase. “Just keep going. It can’t not work.” Outside of Wrangler jeans, I have a hard time buying clothes off the shelf, but I can identify. Long sleeve shirts are a no-go, but being able to buy off the shelf from brands that have tall sizes is nice. Sometimes 38” inseam dress pants work, but I hate sitting down in them. Tex-Mex is my splurge. I “gain” about 8 pounds from all the carbs, salt, and tea but it goes away. Food-wise, making everything from scratch has helped. I eat pretty much the same things I always ate, just extra on the meat and asparagus, a little less on the potatoes. I was drinking 600 calories a day in sweet tea and Dr Pepper. Splenda is my friend now. At almost 59, my maintenance is right at 3500.
  18. I hear you but, even watching sports or something interesting, an hour inside seemed like three outside to me. I’m sure it would work really well for some people, though. I listen to podcasts in Spanish to try to improve my comprehension. I focus on them and, outside, the time goes by pretty quickly. The few times I try to get in some extra steps at the gym because the weather is going to be particularly crappy, it just doesn’t work.
  19. I’m so old, this predates even that, I think.
  20. I hate running. Always have. Walking really works. IMO, it works better if you’re walking as briskly as you reasonably can. My back used to hurt pretty often. Partly from being tall I guess. Partly from crap posture. Partly from being a fat fuck. Partly from no core strength. Losing weight and moving more made a ton of difference. I’m not a big elliptical fan because cardio inside is like the 12th ring of boring Hell for me, but I think it would probably help if you’re up for that. My core strength was awful because I was being lazy. I got stabbed in the abdomen way back in the day, so I steer clear of squats, but the tension I get from leg presses has made a big difference. As has walking outside subjected to the nearly nonstop Texas wind. My back pain is gone, at this point.
  21. This is the way. I don’t bother with them anymore, but when I was a fat fuck I frequented a few weight loss forums associated with apps I was trying out for calorie tracking. The people running those forums were pushing particular diets or supplements or whatever and I was, for the purposes of weight loss, very strongly about “calories in, calories out.” This always ended up in a “you’re not losing weight because you’re not following our method (paying us money)” versus my “you’re not losing weight because you’re eating too much” face off. Their forums, their rules, their moderation, so those always ended the same way. Thirteen years ago, my doctor told me I was thisclose to high blood pressure meds. I was like, “oh, hell no” and when I left his office I sat in my car and downloaded My Fitness Pal and Map My Walk. Ordered a food scale and activity tracking band from Amazon. Ordered an activity I weighed 335 and not in a good way. Even at 6’9” I was right at obese level 2. I’m a big fan of over-analyzing stuff and I love me some Excel, so you can imagine how that went. One of my daughters weighed 120 at the time, so I decided to shoot for losing 120 pounds. I started weighing the hell out of everything I ate. Tracked calories in, calories out, and weight every day. All kinds of charts. I walked every day, rain, sleet, snow, hail, heat, cold, whatever. I’ve always hated running, but did Couch to 10K just to say I did. Went to the doctor the next year at 205. The PA told me someone mistakenly recorded me at 335 instead of 235 the previous year. “No, 335 was right.” Doctor said BP meds were off the table. Every crappy thing about my blood work, etc. was now good to go. 205 was probably a little low, so I settled around 220, which was still good enough for 34” waist pants. I put on a little weight after each summer and try to go a little harder on the weights, but I’m old AF so I don’t know that it makes much difference. I’m shooting to be back at 215-220 by tax day. I have a 1200+ day streak of closing all rings on my Apple Watch — it would be about double that, but for a day and a half the damned thing refused to register that I was standing up — that I want to keep going for the rest of the year. Also intend to walk 2000 miles this year and run 0 miles. TLDR: I lost 120+ pounds over a decade ago and have kept it off since then. If I can do that, y’all can hit your goals, too, just by being too fucking stubborn to fail.
  22. Firing Smokey and Texas Fight.
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