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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. They do, and it’s rightly embarrassing, but 3-11 during a putrid stretch for Texas isn’t something I’d shout about from the rooftops if I wore red and black.
  2. Live it up, I guess. 18-54 is a strong showing. The greatest win in Tech’s program history was a regular season game that didn’t even result in winning the conference. Texas’ recent putrid mediocrity is a microcosm of Tech’s entire existence. It’s appalling that Texas has been so underachieving and that needs to change. Even during the suck, Texas is 11-3 versus Tech. That’s not good enough because beating Tech is generally a given, but at least the roster is heading in the right direction now.
  3. Maybe, maybe not. Which is why I think teams like Tech should hope for a larger number. Other teams will be in no matter the number.
  4. I’ll type it more slowly: Texas won’t be left out of any consolidation of the upper tier of college football. The Techs of the world should probably hope that the consolidation isn’t drastic enough to leave them out.
  5. The PAC knows what the “M” stands for, right?
  6. “Thanks for your input. We’ll give it all the attention it deserves.”
  7. To be even more fair, that song has brought together Horns of all races, genders, shapes, sizes, philosophies, and backgrounds as one, win or lose, home or away, at games, birthdays, weddings, funerals, and more. As much as there is to divide people it is something that actually transcends so many differences and creates a sense of unity. Until the squeaky wheels got ahold of it, anyway.
  8. Not for sale. Daughter was crying her eyes out even thinking about how to tell him it looked like someone was trying to take his car. I’m not a huge Mustang fan, but he’s apparently pretty attached to it.
  9. “Key finally arrives and I go yesterday and get the car…” They were going to, but were made aware it want abandoned but the owner was out of state. Key finally arrives and I go yesterday and get the car… The car, other than being exposed, was fine. It wasn’t going to get towed. I didn’t know anything about it until my daughter asked about the letter from the DMV, at which point I told her to send me the key so I could go get it to try to avoid any nonsense.
  10. Really, the only acceptable path here is to set the world back on its correct axis and curb stomp them for however many more times Texas is stuck with playing them. This Dallas Cowboys impersonation has gone on too long already.
  11. My bad. I expect humor to be involved in a joke.
  12. Twenty years is a long time. I don’t know about dropping football, per se, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to entertain the idea that many/most of the Big 12 won’t be competing at the same level as Texas, Alabama, Ohio State, USC, etc. by then. I don’t think it’s out of the question that upper tier college football consolidates with 32-64 teams or the like.
  13. Well, the post to which he responded was about schools potentially dropping football without that financial benefit. His response was a bit of a non sequitur so maybe he was trying to make some different point.
  14. Whatever failures Texas has had playing football for way too long, I trust we can at least acknowledge that Texas, along with OU, were the primary drivers of whatever value the networks saw in the Big 12, right? And that this value inured to the benefit of the other schools in the conference beyond the value they, themselves, brought, right?
  15. I think my favorite “forgotten” moment is that they were offered a share of a Lone Star Network and declined.
  16. Major league draft is mid-July. Fall camp sometime in August. Is it reasonable to push it that long? Don’t know. Will UGA have a spot for him? Almost certainly, I’d think.
  17. And in the SWC. And in the SEC. They win conference games at about the same rate Texas wins at Kyle.
  18. Why am I in a league with zero redeeming qualities?
  19. Seems incredibly unlikely to the point where I wonder if I just missed the satire.
  20. Sarkisian can’t coach or recruit while he’s installing the lights, obviously.
  21. Well, I mean utilizing the front six, but not necessarily all at once. So, yeah, bringing four but not necessarily the four “linemen.” That would, indeed, be a whip regardless of the offensive scheme. Scheme may make it harder to whip your ass, but if you’re getting your ass whipped, scheme is unlikely to save you.
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