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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. Yeah, that was my take from reading the statute. Lack of possession or the lien, let alone both, kill this fuckwittery. The concern at this point was whether it would taint his title in any way when it came to renewing plates or selling, but it seems like not.
  2. Lowenbrau or GTFO. I always enjoyed the hell out of Michelob and pulling off the gold label, but I drank some pretty unsavory stuff, in retrospect
  3. Seriously. One of the most awful feelings in the game, or just watching the game, is the opponent running the ball at you with no answer. Which, on the bright side, is part of what’s so encouraging about Flood and his gigantic guys as they develop.
  4. My biggest concern with Sarkisian on offense is that he seems actively to dislike using the QB on the ground. He was there in person when VY dismantled his team in the Rose Bowl, with a great deal of that on the ground. IMO, and I also am not a coach, that cedes too much security to the defense. My next concern would be similar to yours: for a guy who explicitly wants to use the run and the RPO to open the D for deep shots, he seems less committed to the run, at times, than that philosophy would indicate. My general impression of most play callers is that they appear to get too enamored of how clever they are. If you can beat someone’s brains in running the ball, run the ball until they adjust to stop it. Sure, take play action shots on some “obvious” running downs, but keep mashing them.
  5. More of what @Codaxx wrote. If the D can control your run game and get pressure on the QB with six guys, you’re probably facing a substantially uphill task on offense, no matter what. You’re going to have to drive the field both because the D is set up not to let people behind them and because your QB doesn’t have to time to wait for them to do it anyway. You’re probably down to hoping for big plays from fast and/or quick guys on shorter (cross, slant, etc.) routes catching well thrown balls on the run. Sarkisian is pretty fond of saying “I’m just as fast as Worthy and Cook if we’re standing still,” so receivers on the move and meshing is something he already favors. Then, can you beat the inside leverage they’re going to put out there to stop that nonsense, too? If the base premises are “six guys can stop the run without secondary help” and “six guys can stop the run while also getting QB pressure without secondary help” and “the secondary can play 2 or 3 deep well” how else do you move other than gradually and hope a penalty, drop, or whatever doesn’t put you too far behind the chains to manage it?
  6. I’m generally familiar with legal stuff, but I have zero experience in this area. Any help would be… helpful. Very long and crappy story relatively short: A little over a year ago, my daughter’s (no pics) boyfriend’s doctors sent him to the VA hospital in Dallas for tests. “Oh, hey, turns out you need a heart transplant. We’re flying you to Salt Lake City. Get on the shuttle to the airport. Now.” Daughter (no pics, seriously) joined him shortly thereafter. They’ve been there since. His car remained in the parking lot. He eventually got a notice of abandonment from the hospital. Daughter let the hospital know what was what and the hospital treated the car as “awaiting pickup” and left it alone. About couple of weeks ago they got a “Notice of Determination for a Bonded Title or Tax Assessor-Collector Hearing” letter from the DMV. Daughter loses her shit thinking she’s going to have to tell her BF he might lose his car on top of the rest of the shitty last 12 months. I tell her to verify with the hospital that the car is still there. It is. I tell her to FedEx me the key, just before this icy crap. Key finally arrives and I go yesterday and get the car, with all the fun you’d expect from getting an unfamiliar car with a completely dead battery that hasn’t started in over a year from Dallas to Fort Worth. Finally, the point: I’ve done the Google thing through the statutes and the unsurprisingly unhelpful DMV site, and it very much appears that whatever dead soul is trying to claim a car from a hospital parking lot cannot actually get a bonded title without possession of the car (this has been prevented) or if there is a lien on the car (he still has a few payments left, the lienholder says everything is peachy on their end, and that they don’t get involved in this stuff until there’s an actual judicial event of some kind). Finally, the questions: Is this likely just a case of some ghoul trying to grab a car and his attempt was dead in the water as soon as it turned out there was a lien? Given that there is a lien and the guy has no way of gaining possession, is that the end of it as far as someone successfully obtaining a bonded title on his car?
  7. Wasn’t a big Teófilo Stevenson fan. (Look at autocorrect with the accented o!)
  8. How much revenue does Fox make from Texas vs. Kansas State as opposed to Tech vs. Kansas State? How much is a TCU vs. Iowa State game worth to them if Texas is in the Big 12 or if Texas isn’t? If Fox is losing 7 Texas or OU games — I think that was the number, could be wrong — how much does their revenue actually decrease relative to 7 other Big 12 games?
  9. It vaguely pisses me off that this song, and the version in the Stars on 45 medley, are so likable.
  10. Even with their glorious COVID season, A&M is just about right at their level… a .520 or so conference team.
  11. Do they think Georgia-level defenses come from one class and not stacked depth? Yes. Yes, they do.
  12. Well, yeah. Baylor and TCU have at least a shared conference championship this century. Tech has won 11 of the last 17 against A&M.
  13. Car wreck. Far superior to plastic Loni, imo. YMMV.
  14. How much revenue does Fox lose by missing out on a Texas, or OU, game and showing some other Big 12 game instead? What their incremental revenue for, say, Texas vs. Iowa State as opposed to Kansas State vs. Iowa State?
  15. Yeah, that’s the one. It’s possible that could do him in but this current accusation won’t, imo.
  16. Are there a lot of Mannings playing defense in the SEC? Maybe that’s the angle. Those poor, dumb rubes on the staffs at Georgia and Alabama should have a talk with the talent evaluators at Texags.
  17. It’s too early in the day to watch Bob Costas introduce a story about the 1972 gold medal game through the eyes of the Soviets. Maybe I’ll watch past 0:45 later when I’m already pissed off about something else.
  18. “Old story. He was young.” If it brings back that video, that may do it. But it will be because of the video, not this incident.
  19. There was video of Ray Rice, though. I don’t know if Ray Rice gets Ray Riced without video.
  20. I can see the strong case A&M made for someone wanting to showcase his punting.
  21. Well, I think it matters in a “don’t make us choose between you and Texas because you’ll lose” sense. Their “gentlemen’s agreement” would have turned into an invitation to pursue other opportunities. That has to be galling for them to know.
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