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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. Weren’t they told to get on board with Texas’ joining the conference or to GTFO themselves?
  2. The OSU game was random incompetence compared to the Teaff game. It was the kind of thing you’d see in a movie if the officials’ families were being held for ransom. Seriously.
  3. Visualize a receiver making a catch and getting popped immediately by the defender and the ball comes loose, recovered by the defense. Maybe it’s a catch and fumble, right? Maybe it’s just an incompletion, right? No. It’s a catch and the play is dead because the forward progress was stopped.
  4. One thing I do know is that “sour grapes” doesn’t apply to this situation. It’s not a synonym for whining. It depends on what “rigged” means. Some games are absolutely purposefully decided by the officials. The Grant Teaff game is Exhibit A. Did that come from TV, the conference, or was it just a decision from the officials? I don’t know. Is there some grand conspiracy with top down control? That’s kind of unwieldy but not impossible. I kind of doubt it, but I could be persuaded otherwise. I think it’s been shown that players get called for more penalties while they’re on the Raiders than before or after. Conspiracy against Al Davis that just persisted? Perception that affects what the officials look for in Raider games? I don’t know. If I had to bet, I’d say it’s more likely that some officials favor (or disfavor) some players or even some teams and this plays out at the game level than there’s a “go out and make sure the Saints win” scenario. Having your multi-billion dollar enterprise at substantial risk from one whistleblower seems like disproportionate risk. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen.
  5. Going to “He’s Not Here” was one of the best road trip choices ever. The downside is it made me unable to remember the name of the Italian place with the doorways so low it was like being in catacombs or something.
  6. Well, first, it was more than a 6% rate, not 3%. If you don’t think dropping more than 6% of passes is a big deal, you shouldn’t worry about it.
  7. I don’t know. I didn’t post the stats. I merely commented that #1 had over double the purported drop rate of #2.
  8. Yeah, but every team, unit, coach, and player should be trying to improve, always. Ewers needs to improve, but he knows that and the coaches know that. I’m hopeful that additional guys who can be threats will help with that, too. Pass rush wasn’t bad at all. Finishing with sacks on top of the pressures would be nice and almost certainly help with the turnovers and making the 3d and 4th down frustrations less of an issue. They’re not going to roll out there 2005-style, but there should be enough time in the system and depth to take a big step up this season.
  9. Conference championship game, which probably won’t be Tech again.
  10. And by “leading,” it’s really “having over double the drop rate of the #2 guy.” That’s brutal, even with the “catchable ball” percentage.
  11. I agree with 99% of this. If running the table means 12-0, even at a 90% chance in each game, that’s less than a 1 in 3 shot. Sometimes your survive the fuckup game in Missouri like UGA did and sometimes you don’t. Barring a rash of injuries of biblical proportions, or an injured QB and utter failure at backup, I suppose, two conference losses would be pretty hard to justify.
  12. I guess “rival” just means “opponent” these days.
  13. 1984 BYU is about like John David Crow’s Heisman. It may not be in Make A Wish territory, but it’s a short walk at most.
  14. Every game. If the other guys aren’t running clock, you’re trying to score. Even then, you let your backup run the full offense.
  15. It turns out that he was pretty good against anyone.
  16. “My spouse is an alcoholic cheater who spends all of our money and treats me and the kids like garbage. I wish I had some way to get out of this mistake of a marriage.” ”Yeah, that does sound like a bad situation.” ”how dare you! We’re in love and I don’t need you in here trying to break us up.”
  17. The Cincinnati that was in the playoffs the year before last?
  18. Is he driving to Athens? (That’s a weird way to get it LA, too.)
  19. So the NCAA is coming after A&M, but not the blue bloods. Reality is seeping in around the edges.
  20. The stormtroopers should help the D in the snow. Need a strong running game to avoid throwing to invisible receivers.
  21. The long TD run? That’s part of why, as bad as the numbers are, the numbers don’t even tell the whole story. You can call a game “even” or even “in Texas’ favor” by the numbers but if the penalties take away Texas scores or are later offset (call a hold on the opponent then a personal foul on Texas to keep the drive going) so the penalties are a net benefit to Oklahoma State, the deed is done. It would be interesting to know what the likelihood the penalties called could be explained by random variances in incompetence.
  22. Yeah, that’s a minuscule presence. 40k is pretty substantial.
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