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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. Bonfire and Tacklebox elements here, imo.
  2. If you were an informed person accused of anything, you’d keep your mouth shut, whether you did it or didn’t.
  3. I start to wonder about the database limit on thread title length.
  4. Oh, no doubt it’s to spin it in some way. Being happy for someone misidentified as a rapist seems weird. It seems like it needs to be more than that. Maybe she’s happy he got a job in a non-extradiction country.
  5. I’ve been around since Austin360. I get that y’all flex on having the appearance of being bad boys with no boundaries. That’s all well and good. That doesn’t mean every crappy joke is a good idea. I don’t think the subject of this off-topic fiasco is something that would look good attached to Texas fans if that dumpster fire to the east flares up and gets attention beyond one guy’s being a felon. Allegedly. Others don’t care. That’s fine. I don’t see the point of calling those who disagree with me bitches, or whatever, but, sure, that kinda seems par for the course here, regardless.
  6. Well, we can’t all hide behind memes like an adult every time someone in the mean ol’ world has a different opinion than we do, right?
  7. If thinking the proposed thread title would be a bad idea makes me a bitch in the eyes of a message board tuff gai, I’m fine with that.
  8. Gifted a TD by the officials. Gifted a TD by a 4th QB who couldn’t catch a snap. Half of one quarter with their 3rd QB. A quarter and a half with their 4th (probably scout team this week) QB. Pretty much the rest of the game with a QB who can’t throw. The 49ers earned their way there and the Eagles beat them — crappy calls and injuries happen, however much they shift the game — but there wasn’t much there that made them look like worldbeaters. Maybe they show up super strong in two weeks, but if I were an Eagle fan I’d be feeling like I did as a Texas fan when they couldn’t run the ball on UNT, even in a relatively comfortable win. It signals potential trouble.
  9. If he transferred back after Herman left? Probably a bowl team last year and maybe Big 12 champions this year. If he had stayed in the first place, maybe worse off than now unless you think Herman was going to build this roster and culture with himself, the players, and the staff he had.
  10. Conrad Dobler playing against Suh would be fun to watch.
  11. 7 off a no-catch pass. 7 off a dropped snap by a 4th QB. A half playing against no QB at all. Winston Wolf has a fitting saying for situations like this.
  12. It’s much more complex than that, but no minds will be changed here.
  13. Would not have a single starter still in the game at this point. Run the game clock down. Get out.
  14. Would not be running QB right now, if I’m Philadelphia. Plenty of other ways to eat clock.
  15. Purdy can’t throw. First down was the time to show it if he can.
  16. This next 49ers series should be something interesting for a championship game.
  17. 49ers had a puncher’s chance even then. The dropped snap at the end of the half was the dagger.
  18. Disagree. He’s pretty inexperienced and has to talk for 3.5 hours. Some subpar stuff is going to come out. I like Johnston better, but he’s been doing it a while. Again, though, Burkhardt makes me mute the sound on a lot of plays.
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