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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dewey

  1. Hell no, I was just talking to my brother and told him this could very well be Phil's last major at the top. What Phil is doing at his age, I don't have words. He has committed himself to better shape, a sounder mind, this major and how he still stripes it is all amazing. All good 👍
  2. I wish, I tell you I haven't put Rory in any of my major pools the past 2 or 3 years.
  3. Phil doesn't have a problem with distance, he still hits it a long way, in fact, he poked a drive late yesterday 330. Couple that with his short game. Final group, in the lead, not shocking.
  4. That 50 year old hits his drives 330.
  5. It's not bullshit at all and I do follow golf, damn near every week. You can throw stats out there, but this final group is not that surprising. This was a wide open field, Rory being the odds on favorite to start the week is.more bullshit than these two being in the final group. Oh, he won a tour stop, he must be back to his 2014 form. Rory is still going through swing changes, that's a real struggle still for him... in my opinion. People in this thread have talked about Brooks being a robot, no one can deny Phil is an all-time great, but yes, let's be surprised that a guy who has had many poor showings in majors isn't in the final group on Sunday. And let's be shocked that Phil is, since he went off at 200-1.
  6. Just me, I guess, but I'm not shocked to see it's Phil, not Rory. Phil has been playing good golf, more consistent good golf than Rory. I just can't believe Rory is still a poster boy for top dogs in majors, he isn't, hasn't been for a while now. Its.more surprising to see Rory at the top of a leaderboard on Sunday at a major than it is to see him barley make the cut. I know he won recently at Quial Hallow, but that doesn't negate 5,6,7 years of up and down golf in majors. If you told me on Monday that Phil would be in the final group on Sunday, I would not have been surprised.
  7. Kyle Porter is shocked by this?
  8. Phil is in a good place despite giving up a big lead. Neither Brooks or Oosty know how to putt on these greens
  9. For me, feels like a 3 man race, I guess Streelman, but I can't even fathom that.
  10. Jack's last Masters win was his 6th jacket, 18th major and fired a -6 30 on the back nine, Sunday. Tigers last Masters win was special, very special, if Phil wins this, its right up there. Not sure how I would rank it all, bit Jack's would be number one.
  11. Phil taking moving day seriously, can't believe Oosty is still there at 4 under. Fully expect to see something crazy from Phil, but he's 4 strokes clear.
  12. Who would have thought Austin would get more rain than the Triangle?
  13. I hope all the great memories come flooding back and stay with you. My condolences and prayers to you and your family.
  14. Good luck finding a mechanic to work on them
  15. That was a hell of a ride
  16. I don't think the pros liked the course, was it two courses? Too much. Seems like the field had gotten pretty week in years past.
  17. I'll get screws for Acea's gun, what kinda gun does he have? Oh, one of those Teddy Roooosevelt horse pistols
  18. Tebow would have been our qb coach and we'd see video of our quarterbacks jumping on trampolines, throwing footballs during practice.
  19. Mitchell has the Steve Elkington look down, few more LBs and no one would know the difference.
  20. I don't know, Bob, maybe you are the problem in horse racing. All these positive tests, your lawyers working overtime. Like the bank robber pissed off about high crime rates and pledging to fix it.
  21. Checked an episode of Apache and ended up binge watching most of the first season. Good story about a kid who grows up in the slums of Argentina to make it big (soccer) Second season is slated for August.
  22. I bet he goes low today, there's something weird about guys who almost miss their tee times shooting a course record.
  23. Where did Wings land on the list?
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