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Park Gothic

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Park Gothic

  1. I cannot adequately express how little I care about the difference between an elk and a mule deer, but kudos to y'all for enjoying nature.
  2. Goddamnit this is too fucking stupid for it to not happen, isn't it.
  3. My dad graduated in ‘70 and even he’s pretty “meh” about Arkansas at this point.
  4. 1. OU 2. A&M 3. I don't give enough of a shit about any other team to call them a rival.
  5. Covers his eye with a spoon and just fucking taps it
  6. I haven't seen bad play from Bush this year. Like at all. You make it sound like he's been the 2023 version of Luke Brockermeyer. He's not our most athletic OLB/DE, but he is a solid contributor and quality depth. Guys like that are awesome because they stick around for 5 years and maintain continuity between classes. On top of being good football players.
  7. I haven't seen anyone say UM is a cakewalk, just that they are a better matchup for us than UW because the passing game and our secondary.
  8. This guy has actually been much better than the last two assholes. Not sure why we're giving him so much grief for thinking UW is going to win.
  9. Ha ha, holy shit. Do you have any original thoughts or do you just parrot the shit you read on reddit? Seriously, it's like talking to a chatbot. Anyway, I'm done with this regard. The rest of y'all can keep dicking around with him if you want but before you do, I want you to consider the kind of person who goes to another team's messageboard to act like this. What do you think he gets out of this? This guy is either emotionally stunted, developmentally challenged, or working out some concerns about his manhood. Or all three, I don't know. But what I do know is that he is getting a lot more out of the attention you're giving to him than you are getting out of reading the dumb shit he's posting. Don't feed the trolls, gentlemen.
  10. Buddy, I'm getting the impression that you may have some unhealthy fixation on our coach. I get that being jilted hurts, but y'all are doing okay now. You should probably learn to let those feelings go. You've got a real nice little squad and you beat Oregon twice, so you should feel good about this season. But y'all are gonna have to play a team outside the PAC that isn't coached by Mel Tucker, and I think you're going to be surprised that all that sunshine being pumped about the PAC this year was just that - sunshine. ESPN and Fox wanted your conference to have a nice swan song and so they talked y'all up. But your conference has been shit for a reason. Utah won the whole thing - twice! The competition just isn't up to snuff and your OOC sucks. And to be perfectly clear - the Big 12 is absolute shit as well. It deserves to die too. But at least on this board we're not laboring under some misconceptions about the competition we've played. Except for, ya know, fucking Alabama. The Tide aren't Michigan State and you haven't played any real competition yet this season. We have. Anyway, good luck.
  11. @Mitch Cumsteen has already been over there this week fighting the good fight. I've always though highly of UW as a school, but their posters are pretty awful at "trolling." Like, /b/ in 2009 levels bad. The trick to a good troll is to mix in as much truth as you can, and make the opinion bad but not so bad that it's unbelievable. The UW posters that have come over here - and a lot of them on their board - basically think the below image is the pinnacle of internet humor: It's disappointing. You try to talk football with them and it quickly becomes clear that's not what they're interested in. They just want to project their opinions into the ether and enjoy the feeling of satisfaction they get from the projection. They don't really want to learn anything or come away with any new insight. Now some of them, I'm sure, are nice people. But the majority I've been dealing with parrot the same talking points and cannot even begin to grok my responses. It's like arguing with a dementia patient.
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