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Park Gothic

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Park Gothic

  1. Me to my wife at random points throughout the day: She found it pretty annoying at first but now she's starting to get on board.
  2. Park Gothic


    Look, if you were out here after Kansas in 2021 or TCU in 2022, beating your chest about Sark being the guy - talk your shit. You've earned it. But as far as I know, only @Wulaw Horn has that honor. If you were out here beating your chest about Sark after the OU game this year - sure. Get after it too. You don't get full credit, but I count myself as someone who was not dissuaded from his long term prospects after that game. And I want some credit. Now I see a lot of posters ripping on people who were critical of Sark, simply because they were critical. People who had legitimate complaints and wanted to air them out. But the people ripping on those posters for being critical didn't say shit beforehand. They were lukewarm at best, and pretty fucking quiet to boot. That's fucking soft. If you don't want to take a position that fine. Prudent even. But you don't get to act all high and mighty now.
  3. These two points - that he has (1) preached a consistent vision to the team and recruits, and (2) learned from his mistakes and continues to improve - are what gives the most hope for sustained success and the most confidence in Sark. The guy is a great coach but is still learning and improving game to game and year to year. The fact that is smart enough to see problems and fix them, coupled with him being humble enough to understand he isn't perfect, is huge. But the fact that he has an ethos, and that he both talks the talk and walks the walk according to that ethos, is probably even more important. You know he isn't full of bullshit when you see him take it on the chin after any loss and still refuses to throw anyone under the bus. When he puts in the players who give us the best chance of winning, regardless of what they think they deserve or have earned. When he is vulnerable with the team about his past and flaws, and encourages them to do the same with each other. He leads by example. Recruits and players are still kids and don't have the wisdom that you expect from adults, but they can smell bullshit. They know a fake. And they can see that Sark isn't fake. Those aren't qualities that a person loses when the going gets tough. They take a lifetime to cultivate and become a cornerstone of who you are, and they are the foundation you lean on when shit hits the fan. I'm ready to say that Sark is the guy - and not just because he's winning games. It's how the team is winning games and how Sark is leading the team.
  4. Those pollsters are probably treating this like the AP poll and you are thinking of it like the CFP poll. The CFP committee ranks teams 5-25 to justify the rankings for teams 1-4 because those are the only spots that matter. Their whole focus is on who should be in the top 4. The AP arguably shouldn't really care about top 4 in the same way because they aren't thinking of playoff spots. The argument for Ohio State - which I am not endorsing - is that they were ranked number 2 and they lost to number 3 is a close game. It's the end of the season and otherwise both teams have won all their games. Things are otherwise pretty calcified. Swapping them out makes as much sense as if they were both 9-2 and ranked 10th and 11th. The winner is 10-2 and moves up one spot while the loser drops a spot. I assume that, to these voters, it works the same way for the top 4. To be clear - I don't agree with that logic and it looks like most AP voters don't either. But it makes sense if you maintain a certain perspective.
  5. Seeding and getting the bye due to winning the conference. Getting that bye, at the end of the season, will be a massive advantage. Rest, getting over injuries, and planning for the next game. That's why I think the 5-12 teams are kinda boned. Playing that extra game against strong competition will be brutal, only to be followed up by even stronger competition.
  6. "...to character assassinate any success that A&M would have in athletics." 1) Literally what success would that be? 2) Why would we need to use papers to diminish any kind of Aggie success when they already do a masterful job of that themselves? 3) Why the fuck would we use papers? What year do they think it? 4) Great and totally appropriate use of the phrase "character assassinate" and not all weird. You englished real good in that post.
  7. My heart wants to pick "Nothing short of undefeated national champions was good enough" but my head knows that winning the Big 12 should be enough.
  8. Playboy came in on channel 74, but it was scrambled most of the time. not all the time though.
  9. Apropos of nothing, but how do I put someone on ignore? It's been a long time since I've had to and I've forgotten.
  10. I've got two thoughts about what you've said - not really complete arguments, but I want to put them out there. 1. A coin flip has even odds (50/50) of coming up heads or tails, but if you flip a coin ten times the odds of it coming up heads every time is 1/1024. It's not as simply as looking at the odds for each individual coin flip - you have to look at the series. That's what football seasons usually feel like to me. It's not just the individual games, it's the entire season of them. 2. The argument that we should beat every team that we're more talented than flies in the face of our history as a program, and the proud CFB tradition of more talented teams losing to less talented teams. It happens every year, in every conference, and it happens a lot. I'm not sure how those thoughts fit into this conversation, something about math and history, but I would assume that is why Vegas had us at 9.5 wins instead of 11.
  11. I swear some of y'all would rather be right than happy. Vegas had us at 9.5 wins. Most of the guys on IT had us going 10-2 at best. These aren't cagey fans or battered longhorns. They are industry people who, by a huge margin, did not think we would win more than 10 games and were more likely to only win 9. We have overachieved and it's okay to be happy about that.
  12. Wow, yeah he gets plowed into hard. Now I feel bad for thinking it was a smokescreen to hide that he was pissed off. Plus - goddamn kid, how accident prone can you be?
  13. You really put your nuts in the vice with this thread, but I think I speak for everyone (except maybe @6th Street) when I say I’m glad you were right .
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