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Everything posted by gatormarc

  1. Are we sure about that? Everything I've read states that the Exit Fee is based on the ACC's revenue and ND's fee is not reduced. So they'd be looking at $100M Exit + ~$150 M GoR buyout prior to any negotiations. Half of what full members are looking at but still significant. But that number is assuming that their current deal doesn't change. Remember the NBC deal is about to end and also the ACC's payout increases every year as well. Agree with this. If they get the expected $60M from NBC plus their ACC payout, I'd be surprised if the delta was less than 5 years for Notre Dame.
  2. AC may have just popped the breaker. I'd start there.
  3. 1/3 of the cost is still not cheap. Plus they still need to pay the full exit fee, correct? And they'd also be gaining less because their NBC+ACC deal combined is a smaller gap compared to what they would get by jumping.
  4. Is it want or need? Aren't they like a half billion in debt because of the football stadium renovations?
  5. I've heard that the only winner in all of this is billable hours, but I'm starting to think the local Panera is doing well for itself with all of these zoom calls.
  6. It's not limited to those two conferences. I heard from a B1G fan this morning that all of their expansion targets have been a great fit because similar culture and geography aren't important. That's not to say that all fanbases aren't like that, but SEC fans don't really need to move any goalposts right now to explain what Sankey is doing.
  7. Depending on Daylight Savings settings.
  8. Using the SEC as a guide, KState and BYU appear to be 2 game series that haven't started yet, so those would probably be canceled outright. TTech is weird since the second game of the series was supposed to be in 2020 and was moved way out. They'll probably just cancel the second half of that series for whatever the contract calls for Theoretically, Arizona should be looking to clear space so that they can play Arizona State assuming ASU stays in the PacWhatever.
  9. https://www.si.com/college/2023/08/01/arizona-big-12-pac-12-conference-duel
  10. Ha. I was just legitimately curious when catching up this morning and felt the need to look it up. I don't have a dog in this particular fight.
  11. Also judging by their sixth or maybe even seventh sense ability to schedule BYU and Houston prior to their inclusion, I'd go ahead and use this as a good sign that Nebraska is returning home and bringing Bama with them.
  12. Out of curiosity, had to look up their OOC trends. 2010 - Iowa 2011- OKState 2012 - OKState 2013 - No P5 2014 - No P5 2015 - No P5 2016 - BYU 2017 - No P5; Houston 2018 - BYU 2019 - TTech 2021 - BYU 2022 - Miss St 2023 - Miss St -- 2024 - KState 2025 - KState 2026 - BYU 2027 - BYU 2028 - Nebraska 2029 - VTech 2030 - VTech 2031 - Nebraska 2032 - Bama 2033 - Bama 2034 - TTech
  13. Apparently this is TheDudeofWV's website so chances are he has no sources and the numbers are made up.
  14. Not sure that that number has changed. WaPo article this morning: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2023/07/31/college-football-greed-ambition/ So all of the realignment that's happened the last 40 or so years, all caused by Texas and Oklahoma going to the SEC.
  15. My understanding is that UVA is an anomaly this year due to a single large $50M donation. They are usually in the 30-40 range. https://sports.usatoday.com/ncaa/finances/234076
  16. I looked up Scoop City. Very limited Yelp ratings and none since 2020 so I can't get a feel for how their Ice Cream knowledge translates.
  17. But I was assured by B1G fans that they would never have expanded if they hadn't been "forced to" by the SEC.
  18. Probably just seems like it because Dabo is in a cult.
  19. Enough to justify expanding to the point that we are a league and not a conference?
  20. Needs were different for #14 vs #17
  21. It's also worth nothing that although the 4 are close/culturally similar, they don't have a ton of rivalries with current SEC schools. VT - none UNC/NCSstate/UVA - have some history with South Carolina but very little the last 30 years.
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