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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. Yes. I agree with you. What I am hearing has more to do with what UM saw when he "looked under our hood". I am also thinking that we don't have the BMD's that we all think we do. I want them to be wrong.
  2. Everyone has a source. They are like assholes. Not saying mine are infallible. They are in a position to know. I am not saying they do. We have been laughing about Kendra Scott, the airplane incident, drunk episodes etc for months. A lot of what they have told me has panned out. From what they are saying, I think this board is in for a huge letdown. I pray to sweet baby Jesus that they are wrong. Fuck Tom Herman.
  3. http://southbelthouston.blogspot.com/2014/02/monterey-house-candy.html
  4. Monterrey House. They had that candy in the chip basket that was awesome.
  5. Some guy called Ced G says it's done.
  6. That was the blue station wagon one in the 80's when I was there.
  7. Law school hang out when i was there. Probably before your time.
  8. In my day, the egg roll cart in front of the Co-op was stocked by a blue station wagon. The egg rolls were on the floor board of the back seat. And no, they were not in boxes.
  9. I say another repeat like last week. Team generally plays well enough to win but stupid coaching decisions cause them to lose.
  10. Michigan's entrance requirements for athletes are higher than the Big 10 minimums. That is their biggest problem.
  11. Have to admit that I am less optimistic about UM today than I was yesterday but I could convince myself that he would not want to poach any coachers before the early signing day. That being said, I am probably more optimistic that Herman is gone at the end of the season. Reading that 247 article about the letters CDC got from donors coupled with several people I trust telling me that the Herman/CDC relationship is not good leaves me feeling that CDC has no choice to get rid of him. What worries me about it is that CDC has to get it right. His future depends on it. If no UM, then I am just not sure what he does from there that is worth banking his future on.
  12. It is not hard to see a scenario where Herman hangs on to his job. Gets blamed on Covid.
  13. I got banned for asking when Mack's baby was due.
  14. Kind of makes our operation look pretty thin.
  15. This thread will either be a monument to human ingenuity or the ability of humans to delude themselves.
  16. I take it to underscore the seriousness of the whole enterprise by those who are running the show.
  17. Can you give a quick rundown of the whole CDC being happy after the loss? Missed that somewhere in all of this.
  18. I know of a BMD who is very much in position to know generally what is going on. This guy is telling people that he is unable to discuss it. It is very unusual for this individual to say something like that.
  19. If you want the good, you have to take the bad. I am up for all of it.
  20. I'll buy what you are selling.
  21. Don't you think the closer it gets to Saturday the more likely if anything happens it will be Sunday or Monday?.
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