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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. They must have really bitch slapped CDC. Hasn't posted on Twitter since Dec. 9.
  2. I am not saying I think it is rational. But, you would be surprised then how sacred many domers hold that record and how they talk about preserving it.
  3. Notre Dame does not want any coach to surpass Rockne in all time wins. They parted with Holtz prematurely when he was like six or so games away. Kelly is I think four away.
  4. Most of the time when I fire someone I am not handing them $15 million.
  5. Feel pretty certain it was the airplane incident. My understanding is that it was even worse than what has been described here.
  6. Aggy used to say this before they were good.
  7. I thought he stopped that some time ago
  8. What kind of two bit coach does this themselves? Isn't that what you have an agent for so that you don't get your hands dirty and end up looking like a fool?
  9. True. UM wanted control. He has earned the right to ask for it and has earned the right to have it given to him. If not, plenty of other places will.
  10. He is turning out to be a carnival barker who can throw a party on game day and recruit coaches in the lesser sports simply because we can pay more than where they are at. I remember the softball guy saying after he was hired that he came because of how much more money Texas was willing to pay.
  11. He is advising Herman on his threats to burn our program down if he his fired. Using what Herman did to OSU as an example of what he is willing to do. Telling Tom to tell the Univ. that they may have been taking notes on his behavior but he has been taking notes of his own.
  12. I hope we play UNC in the Cheez It Bowl and get our shit pushed in.
  13. I remember him speaking at my high school's football banquet when he was recruiting Todd Dodge and Brent Duhon. I was in junior high. He wore an all white suit and I remember thinking he was the coolest coach there probably was. Loved his show where he was sitting in the lazy boy describing the past weeks game. For a time the show was called "Akers of Cotton". Was a freshman when he got fired. After that saw him at Matt's El Rancho sitting at a table next to me and my friends. I was kind of drunk but I walked over and shook his hand. He picked up our bill before he left.
  14. If you don't care for Tom Herman for the things you know, I would be willing to bet you really would if you knew the things you don't.
  15. You mean like bringing Charlie back?
  16. I think we are way behind on support infrastructure. Look at the accomplishments of those people who UM was supposedly needing to come with him. While I am sure Bryan Carrington is a good dude, he is not what these top schools have for a recruiting coordinator. I also think that I saw that we are not even in the top 10 on assistant salaries.
  17. Seems like I read somewhere that his big problem there is Michigan's entrance requirements are higher than the Big 10 minimum.
  18. This. A lot of people here making facts mean what they want them to be. The only thing that I find meaningful is that CDC has not come out and said that Herman has the support of administration. Everything else is speculation. There is no way that UM was in HSB without someone getting a cell phone pic of him walking through a lobby, or in an FBO. There is no way that something like that could happen without someone leaking it. If we had any good journalism on this story, someone would put a camera and microphone in front of CDC and ask him if Herman has his support. His answer would probably tell you more than anything. Let's just say that the wishful thinking is right and that UM and Texas have reached or are close to reaching an agreement. There is no way that UM is going into Columbus next weekend to fulfill his Fox contract as the new head coach of the University of Texas. I would love for all the speculation to be true. Maybe it is. But most of what I see is people making their own projections of what they want things to mean. I see $9.95's blasting Twitter with messages selling subscriptions based upon all this speculation. People believe what they want to believe. I see I made the list of those with "insider" information. I am agnostic on if what I have been told is true or whether who told it to me is in the loop of what is happening. I just shared what I was told because I thought it would be of interest and it came from people who have had greater than average knowledge in the past. That being said, I don't think there are as many facts supporting that Texas had made a deal with UM as most seem to believe.
  19. I guess that the game might cancel.
  20. Dude, I am not vouching for anything. I would love for my guys to be wrong. I think they very much could be. I am holding on to the belief that CDC has kept it close and has cut some of the normal trouble makers out.
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