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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. I am not sure what some of you think the defense should be when it has to trot out talent like Schooler and Brock. The talent on that side of the ball is terrible.
  2. At this point, I am willing to try anything.
  3. Where is all this craziness going? I mean, really. What is the logical conclusion to what the republicans are doing here? I don't know, but it does not sound very good. They are even taking over the University with all that Liberty Institute and letting Hot Wheels use the stadium as a prop for the fact he can't get it up. And US House Dist 10 continues to be the biggest joke.
  4. I was at a function once and Hot Wheels was there. Someone asked me if I wanted to meet him and without thinking I said out loud "No, he really doesn't stand for anything". You would have thought I farted in a crowded room.
  5. Can't wait for this fucker to die. Most of his supporters will deny that he is dead.
  6. Kind of disagree. I mean, would you have gone to see Muddy Waters in 1981? I did and am glad despite the fact that he was a shadow of his younger self. I saw the Stones in Houston the tour before the pandemic. It was probably one of the more enjoyable times I had seen them. Maybe they are a metaphor for the rest of us. Doing what they like to do for as long as they can do it. None of us are as good as we were at 20. But, I kind of hear you in that I saw BB King shortly before he passed and it was sad. Could not remember lyrics and seemed totally confused. The Sones are nowhere near that.
  7. These coaches did not just forget how to coach the moment they walked on campus. All of them (except Gideon) have really good track records of winning and development. Sometimes you just can't shine shit.
  8. Lincoln has this exact tattoo. And that's true.
  9. Good thing he had to take substantially less.
  10. I thought the stadium renovations were great. The PA was audible and at a decent volume for me in the lower westside upper deck. However, after over a year of social distancing, it seemed weird and a bit uncomfortable being jammed into my chair back seat. I fully understand why people want to go to games. But, I get more out of it just watching it on TV. I feel like its a better experience with replays, stats, and view. The older I get, the more of a hassle game day is.
  11. I sat next to them at the car wash one day. They seemed weird.
  12. And some wonder why unvaccinated people make up 95% of hospitalizations and deaths.
  13. Facebook is a terrible place to get your news and medical information.
  14. She really has a Neanderthal look about her. I just googled Neanderthal and this came up. Scary.
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