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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. Someone must have really pissed him off. He is burning them to the ground.
  2. Something like "You all can SMD"
  3. How much you pitching in for that massive contract?
  4. As I recall, the Democrats were willing to give Trump a ton of money to deal with the southern border but he blew the deal up over wanting all the money to go to his friggin wall.
  5. Trump asked him to run in anticipation of 2024. You know, keep the vote straight and all.
  6. I hope so but kind of wonder what those deals are. I haven't seen him in any ads for anything.
  7. Not shooting at you but I call BS on this as some sort of widespread basis. You what these big money guys hate more than anything? Losing and being made to look stupid. The thought that someone is going to do what Jones said is laughable.
  8. I don't believe any of this booster shit. Every big money guy I know hates to lose at anything. That's why they are BMD's. The thought that they are pushing a "great white hope" is bullshit. Daddy Thompson has been tending the narrative for a couple of years Texas fans could not stand to have a QB from Oklahoma. When that did not get any traction, they went to this.
  9. Admittedly, I did not pay attention to the facts of the case so I am agnostic on the verdict. But, what concerns me are these people who think they have some responsibility to either supplement or supplant law enforcement. When did that become a thing? Whether or not the verdict is correct or not, my issue is that when you have stupid laws that allow any dumb ass to walk around with a AR no matter the circumstances or level of ability of training, you are asking for shit like this to happen. Law enforcement types go to training for shit like this and just because you play army man on the weekends, does not mean you know your head from your ass when real bullets and emotions start flying.
  10. So, who are these BMD's exactly? In my day I could name them. Not so much now.
  11. I would not be surprised if this whole thing about boosters meddling originated with Mack talking to media off the record trying to shift the blame for the total collapse of his program.
  12. Dude, they used to make you stand up with the Defendant for the reading of the verdict. Was kind of intense.
  13. "Abbott is Liz Cheney in a wheelchair"--wow. I don't agree with anything Cheney says on policy but at least she cares more about her values than herself. Abbott is a pandering tool who does not stand for anything but his own re-election. I don't give a shit who is running against him in the general, I will vote for him. Fuck Hot Wheels.
  14. Apparently at least one of them got sent home from summer camp for bullying girls who were lesbians.
  15. I hope he and Dowd go really negative. There is ground to be made there if they talk more about how Texas is near the bottom of a lot of important metrics, ERCOT and less about guns and voting rights. While most of Texas may be pro life, even the staunchest R's don't like the idea of citizens getting bounties for turning people in. It's a fools errand, but I would enjoy seeing them punch those guys in the face.
  16. No they aren't. but they are taking a ton more students each year that UT. You haven't read the articles of kids sitting on the floor in classrooms and Aggies even admitting that they have become a diploma mill? Kids who used to get Blynn Team are now getting in the University. Sharp has said that he wants to create a huge alumni network much like what has existed for UT in the past.
  17. Winner. Aggie is going to opposite way in order the bankroll their football investment in both numbers and ability.
  18. I tend to be in the camp that other than RJ, BR, XW and maybe a couple others, we really don't have much on this roster. Actively playing Brock, Schooler, and Bush proves that. Schooler is a huge effort guy but good enough for UT? Come on. No way those three guys see the field in an established program. That said, I do think this staff should have done better with them and losing to Kansas is unforgivable. But, I agree that next year will determine if Sark sees year three or four of his contract. But, if I am correct, I really don't see how he turns the roster enough to be materially better next year. To me, the his ceiling next year realistically is to win against whoever we play non conference other than Alabama, Tech, Kansas, WV, Baylor, IS, and KS. How much fun is that going to be? If he does that, he sees a year three. If not, all bets are off.
  19. If TCU hires him it will be admitting, just like Tech through their hire, that they are coming to grips with their new standing based on conference affiliation. What I mean by that is they have totally given up on the idea of being able to hire a proven winner or true up and comer.
  20. I maintain that he has not been the same since he got his bell seriously rung in a game his freshman year. Got up and wobbled. I could not believe he played the next week. Seems like I remember that not being his first one.
  21. My states are a little altered tonight but. it seems to me that we should do something big to ensure that the "Legend of Bo Davis" is told amongst Longhorn fans to the end of time.
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