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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by shakahorn

  1. Mina dead. I suspect suicide. https://www.staradvertiser.com/2019/05/29/breaking-news/body-of-missing-maui-hiker-noah-mina-found/
  2. AZ at Hawaii should be interesting for the sole reason that they are both planning some type of tribute to Dick Tomey.
  3. Did it autocorrect its to it’s in your thread title?
  4. I did that and it was a total PITA to get working. Also, the "clear code" function is totally hit or miss. Sometimes it clears it, sometimes not. I was hopeful that a more expensive model will work better but haven't pulled the trigger yet. Was gonna wait until the light comes on again.
  5. Yeah I actually have this programmed as the first selection in my favorites. So hit favorites, hit the wheel and the camera comes on. When I get my lazy ass off the computer I'll check it out. So like 6-7 hours and a gig of porn from now
  6. That's not my experience in my GLE 350. Unbeknownst to me at the time, while pulling out of a parking lot, the dog hit the manual button which is on the console, and put me in manual. I couldn't get it out of M1 and I kinda froze up and forgot that the paddles would shift it. No matter how fast I went, it would not shift up, I'm sure the RPM's went up fairly high, but I didn't actually look at the tach. The sound of the engine made me take my foot off the pedal. Anyway, because I didn't know the dog had hit the switch, the only way I could get it back into auto was to turn the engine off and back on again. I looked down at the dog and he had his paw on the manual button.
  7. Timely subject, at least for me. I had an old pair of wired, noise cancelling, over ear headphones from Sharper Image - that's how old they were - that lasted about 10 years. The band on those broke so I went with a cheap pair of wired Audiovox noise cancelling, for like $75. Those lasted like a year before breaking. So I figured I'm never going cheap again. Did some research and about to pull the trigger on Bose QC 35 ii, been waiting for those to go on sale, but they never do so looking at $349. They have bluetooth but can be wired as well. Was also considering the QC 25, but those don't have bluetooth but also are like $200 cheaper. So if Bose bluetooth sucks, I'll go with the QC 25. What model Sony you guys talking about?
  8. man how bad is it gonna be to lose to a horse without a jockey.
  9. Jordan needs to drink a beer. That always works for me. Of course, he will need to keep drinking until the round ends.
  10. I haven't seen anyone play like this since Tiger in his prime. I mean, you just knew he was gonna save par on 7. No doubt.
  11. Um, what am I missing here?
  12. Granted, I haven't played it, but I think the game knows everyone's bets before the dice are rolled and each roll can be controlled. So in the simplest methodology, roll a 7 after the come out if most everyone is on the pass line. Take this a little further, and I would assume the game is keeping track of each player's wins and losses, and adjust winning/losing rolls based on who is up and who is down. So pay the don'ts for a while until the don't player loads up and the plus side players have been beaten down, then throw a point. Or if the don't player is on the field, throw a no field. Or throw a couple of soft numbers when a player has loaded up and/or pressed on a hard way. Really doesn't seem that hard. I mean, god forbid the house gets greedy and tries to take in more than the inherent built-in odds.
  13. Yeah probably couldn’t cost more than about $100 a cake to make.
  14. Am I the only one that thinks bubble craps is fixed?
  15. We handle travel time in one of two ways, depending on the distance and associated estimated travel time. The base is 1/2 the hourly rate, one way. So basically 1/4 of the time spent traveling. The other is to specify a minimum number of hours billed for on site visits, usually 2. Both of these are typically never questioned by the clients, so figure out which one is most beneficial to you, and go with that one. For out of town travel, we bill actuals for airfare, hotel room, rental car, and a per diem (meals and incidentals) based on what GSA allows https://www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rates This is all spelled out in the SOW or Master Services Agreement. We give our guys the per diem and they can choose to do whatever they want. So they will typically eat fast food and pocket the rest. Provide the actuals for the airfare hotel and car when you make the reservations or before the the reservations are booked if they seem expensive for whatever reason.
  16. Do automakers have a standard speed limit at which cars get optimal mpg? Back when there was a national 55, I know that automakers were mandated to make 55 the optimal mpg speed.
  17. Down $120 at a $15 table is practically breaking even. Don't give up yet!
  18. Had a 2017 GLS 450, really liked it, but it was just too big. Traded it in for a 2018 GLE which is OK but really nothing to differentiate from other luxury SUV's in the same size/class I think. The GLS has a bigger engine, 9 speed and it was surprisingly fast for such a big vehicle. Loved the 3 row seating, but that meant I was the driver for everyone and their brother. When i had the GLS I was invited to review a host of competitors, put on by Cadillac I think but not sure. They paid me $200. I rated the two best models as the 450 and the Lincoln.
  19. Agree. Mid to lower end of all German cars do not compete well with their non-German competitors in terms of price-quality ratio, IMO. C-class (non AMG of course) 528, 3 series, and below all fall into this category.
  20. I just can't believe you still know someone called "Worm."
  21. Working from home one day, same deal, thought I was on mute, went to take a piss. Except there were only four people on the call and the guy who works with me knew it was me. No one said a word at the time. Big huge horse piss complete with flush.
  22. Oceania is the region of the Pacific Ocean that is basically made up of a bunch of islands. Subgroups include Polynesia (triangle bordered by Hawaii, Easter Island and New Zealand) as well as Micronesia and Melanesia. So the record temp in Oceania is like saying the record temp in North America, or the record temp in Australia, for example. I suppose some folks consider a record temp to be significant. I hope this was a serious question (or as serious as a question can be here) and I didn't fall for some kind of joke that went straight over my head.
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