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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by shakahorn

  1. 48 minutes ago, shnsajax said:

    Before this series, I didn't know Tennessee Tech was a real school. 

    I still don't know they're a real school.  I mean, they got a baseball team, but it sounds like something you'd see in a strip mall up on 183.  And a couple of posters here have claimed to have gone there.  But if I wasn't a real school, I would pay a hundy or so to a couple posters on a rival's board to do just that.

  2. 10 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    this post and the hoskins helmet reminded me of a different story, that i may not get exactly right.

    but basically rickey henderson joined the mets at some point late in his career, and john olerud had a locker near him.  after a game or two, when rickey saw that olerud wore a batting helmet while in the field (he had some sort of condition), he came over to him in the clubhouse to ask him about it.  olerud explained it, and rickey said something to the tune of, "yeah, i had a teammate in toronto that did that too."

    that teammate was also john olerud.


    Yeah I remember that story as well.  Olerud's response "that was me."

  3. 81v5wp2zeQL.jpg

    Finally got around to this one and finished it up on a recent trip.  Easy read, good story, I found myself looking up a lot of places on the map.  Gets a little "Titanic-y" but still a great book, maybe that's why it won the Pulitzer :)


    Finished this one up on the same trip. Thanks for the rec on this thread.


    On another trip, in the early middle of this one.  Haven't seen the movie.   Reads like it was written by a woman, maybe that's why i'm struggling with it.


  4. 17 hours ago, TornACL said:

    I have been playing some of these 5 inning bets and doing ok. Particularly if Jeff Samardzija (Giants) or Matt Moore (Rangers) are starting.

    Tonight I'm on a 2 game parlay, Dodgers Over 2 (first five innings) / A's Over 2.5 (first five innings). Just for a few bucks for fun.


    Yeah it kinda seems like there is no easier money than betting against Samardkdfadkljfalda.

  5. I want to punch every motherfucker that drives a Ford "Ex-cape". The name is on the car, can't you read?
    Also guys that refuse to use the make and model of their car, instead choosing to use the engine code that only they and their shitty ilk seem to know.  "Oh, I drive an E92." "I really love my w112". Fuck you. You drive a 328i, just admit it. You're not fucking special.
    And when did "Merc" become the go to nickname for Mercedes Benz? It will always mean Mercury. GTFO with that shit.

    ‘Merc’ when referring to a Mercedes Benz, is pronounced ‘mers.’ I would imagine it’s pronounced ‘merk’ when referring to a Mercury but you’d have to ask one of the poors.
  6. 3 hours ago, sheeeit said:

    College cheap was the best.   Went to a university that had casinos in a neighboring state that wasn’t too far away. My roommate and I would  elaborately plan out our roulette wagers so that we would break even. We would go in and sit across from each other and mirror our bets so that we could get as many free drinks as possible.  As I recall, table minimums were $2.  Green killed us occasionally but it was always good for a 4-5 free drink head start on the evening.   One night we were into our deal and the roulette guy figured out pretty easily what we were doing.  He was cool though and just told us to sit next to each other and bet black and red so we didn’t have to keep track of all of the numbers. 

    Good plan, never thought of that.  One I learned back in the day was to walk around the slots until you see a waitress.  Sit down right in front of her, put money in the machine, order a drink.  Cash out as soon as she walks away to avoid temptation.  Voila!  Free drink...well you gotta tip her but I have never been so cheap as to not tip the drink girl.  It's only gotten easier nowadays with the paper tickets that you can walk over to the atm machine and cash in. In the old days, you had to gather up all of your quarters and go to the cashier and cash them in.  Sometimes one drink would not even last long enough to get through the process.

    You can do this at the bar with video poker or any other game too.  Back in the day, the bartenders never checked that you were playing, all you had to do was buy in.  Nowadays they kinda check on your play once in a while if you sit there.  What you can do is keep putting money in but don't play.  If the bartender sees you putting money in he won't check your play.  Just gotta avoid the temptation to play...easier said than done.

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