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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fico

  1. I'm going to need Ukraine to hurry up and win so we can start getting some of the behind the scenes stories.
  2. This is not the Red Army sitting on far bank of the Vistula during the Warsaw Uprising.
  3. I think people may be getting their swing wing SU-24s confused with T-160s. Correct me if I'm wrong, we've only seen TU-160s and TU-95s using ALCMs from way outside Ukraine mostly over the Caspian. But I would love to be wrong, especially as I think Russia just finished(?) modernizing them.
  4. How much in donations to get del Conte to use these memes at DKR when Ewers hits Worthy?
  5. Miller, why do always give me a good tweet and a bad tweet in the same post and I don't know which rep emoji to use. Keep up the great work.
  6. HIMARS aftermath. Not that it wasn't already obvious but another example of what real HIMARS strike looks like vs the mass POW execution.
  7. Russian crying after having to end their Crimean vacation early.
  8. Someone had mentioned it up thread and seeing more speculation tonight about Ukr's GRIM-2 potentially being fully armed and operational battle station. It's capable of firing 2 SRBMs from the same TEL matching the two hits at the air field. Interestingly before 2/24, the project was financially backed by the Saudis.
  9. Comrade, obviously this was an act of goodwill
  10. Glad they are so stupid number 1,456,271. There is a dedicated set of isolated ammunition bunkers on the north end of the base but fuck using those. I'm calling the babushkas sent pies full of C4 to ground crews.
  11. Same. Being addicted to this thread has made me realize I chose careers poorly and should have been better at football.
  12. Hopefully burning all the oil/fuel inside the planes too.
  13. Or all turning off their radars with HARMs in da house.
  14. Haven't thought about that strategy but absolutely spot on. On a side note, I've been wondering what the Brits have been doing with all those Exocets they scooped up.
  15. Agreed. The larger systems should be easy enough to track but smaller weapons, specifically MANPADS, are going to take some effort. I would go further and say it's not just US State/Defense Departments but includes all countries who have sent similar systems too. Throw in the who the fuck knows what Russia is going to do with any captured weapons beyond studying them. Russian delivered stingers/AT4s/etc. to other conflict zones is not a good look for the US regardless how they got there. I absolutely don't think this should prevent any allied nations from fulfilling all Ukrainian requests they are capable of but we should have a plan to limit the chances of our weapons ending up in the wrong hands as well.
  16. Or there is the argument that the flow of weapons form 30+ countries including many, many from the EU are allowing Ukraine to defend itself from mass oppression or worse. Many also have the opinion any negotiations with Russia for a halt in the conflict will result in a new, more deadly conflict for Ukrainians in not so distant future.
  17. It definitely went boom. Russian sources, similar to Muskva, saying they are incompetent and blew themselves up instead of Ukraine successfully striking the base. Looking at the out of date Google maps, the Russians were using a very small protected hanger area for a ton munitions instead of using the existing, protected ammunition bunkers away from the air field.
  18. Sounds like they are conducting some wild weasel type missions if they are using HARMs unless they can stay outside the SAM engagement range? I wonder what air frame they are using? Guessing MIG-29 or maybe SU-24 over the SU-25 and SU-27. EDIT: Some good answers in this thread:
  19. Now that would fuck hard. Throw an ISR pod like sniper onto it too
  20. I believe TU-95s and TU-160s have been firing their air launched cruise missiles (kh-101s?) from the Caspian since early in the war but also could mean they have been having failures the entire time. It is interesting they fired a Kindzhal air launched ballistic missile (aka Iskander strapped to a MIG-31) over the weekend. I can't remember seeing it used since Russia allegedly struck a facility under a farm or someshit. This would explain the increased size and rate of Ukr Air sorties around Kherson recently. I hope they have or get a ground launched version too. Even with the less range than an air launched version it could be very useful quick response for knocking out buks, pantsirs and s-300/400 operating relatively close to the front. Comboing HARMs with Toucha Us or TB2s could be very effective. Any surly mil geniuses know if HARMs can target other types of EW assets or is it only geared around radar emissions? Thinking things like communications nodes, jamming units, etc
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