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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fico

  1. Agree and specifically regarding schools, those are government structures that are not in use right now making them one of the better alternatives for rally points, etc. While using a school for military purposes on the surface sounds awful that's not necessarily the case. Obviously if it is being used as a shelter or other civilian need that's a separate case. But if it's empty, and relatively speaking isolated from homes and other civilians, my opinion is by all means use them militarily as needed.
  2. How dare Ukraine defend it's cities and towns. Should have just let the Russians waltz into Buca and Irpin with thier occupation. Make sure not to fight back at Hostomel when the VDV land next to all the houses in the area. Don't stop the Russian vehicles running over civilians in the Kiev outskirts. And don't forget to make sure that those air defense systems are far anyway from any population centers.
  3. I think all (maybe a few tiny exceptions) SS units were volunteers? Including the Croatian Muslims with their death head fezs.
  4. Broad generalization or oversimplification by me but I've understood some (small majority?) of Balts, Ukrainians, etc. welcomed anyone who was anti-Bolshevik. At least in 1941, then it became a lot more complicated with more exposure to the Nazi's ways. Edit: More family stories: My grandfather spent 5+ years freezing his ass off in Northern Netherlands after his house got fucked up in Rotterdam. Great Grandfather was deemed too dangerous by the Germans and wasn't released with the other Dutch POWs after the Dutch surrender. He was sent to western Poland labor camp to work on combines.
  5. Yup. Looks like one of the few sidings on the single line track running out of Crimea to Kherson.
  6. All about those evolved river vikings finding that freaky deaky one God behind the saloon doors.
  7. "Look at all the nice things we have that you don't, now fuck off back to your out house, vatnik."
  8. They will just send any/all broken parts back to the manufacturer in Germany, who then sends it to Canada for repair, and finally, Germany throws a teenage level hissy fit to get it back for Russia.
  9. Interesting idea with ASW drones. There have been some trials for an ASW MQ-9.
  10. I am no expert but I am not sure the budget is best spent on a fleet. The Russian fleet is largely out of the fight (minus being used as cruise missile platforms but those strikes could be done by other platforms) due to a handful of neptunes and harpoons. Russia would still be able to enforce a blockade via submarines, air launched anti-ship missiles, mines, etc. The Black Sea seems like a difficult place to operate any type of surface fleet. Maybe a couple of diesel electric guided missile subs could be a stronger deterrent in the future?
  11. They will use the former GFs or was it daughters? I can never keep my Russian lies straight.
  12. Reporting commercial drone and cancelled navy day.
  13. Agree, pretty strong job but fuck Russia. Why did Switzerland get to colonize Liechtenstein? Reviving GDR is good. I have no idea what's going on in Bulgaria. Portugal reverse colonized by Brazil.
  14. Calling Wallonia Southern Flanders is a waffle throwing offense.
  15. I heard it was the CIA recruited, anti-russian pigeons
  16. Add in some hits on AA/Radar sites as well.
  17. Right on. Hopefully it's kicking ass with us sending another 580 and we get a documentary about it in another couple of years.
  18. Have we ever figured out what these Phoenix Ghost systems are? Beyond loitering munitions?
  19. Agree with your sentiments on casualty numbers. They may not be including L/DNR or PMCs? Russian tanks use autoloader, only 3 crew. Autoloader is responsible for the jack in the box turret with the carousel being open inside the tank and no blow out panels.
  20. Didn't we have a claim of a "tactical" landing earlier in the war?
  21. Agree and concerning about earlier actions taken against political parties. I do think our media got ahead of themselves (like they often do) on the recent announcements. From Meduza: Top Ukrainian officials not fired — yet: Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova and SBU Chief Ivan Bakanov haven’t been fired yet, the Kyiv Independent reported on Monday, citing President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Deputy Chief of Staff Andriy Smyrnov. According to Smyrnov, the two top officials have been suspended for the duration of investigations into law enforcement officials suspected of collaborating with Russian forces. Whether Zelensky decides to file motions with the Ukrainian Parliament to dismiss Venediktova and Bakanov will depend on the outcome of the investigations, Smyrnov said. I don't think the investigation is if they collaborated but rather if they did enough to investigate collaboration inside their organizations. Regardless, it looks like their is a process and it includes the parliament. Additionally, Bakanov is a childhood friend of Zelensky, so he is going after his own people too.
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