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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fico

  1. American weapon tribute video - Recommend having the sound on
  2. ATACMS! Fuck yea. Put the Kerch bridge clock back on.
  3. Awesome if they have C-RAMs in theater. The Russians using anti-ship and S-300 missiles for strikes is telling as well.
  4. Not saying that isn't what he is doing, but with the smoke behind him he may have just fired his rocket salvo and popping flares while turning for home? One or two incendiary artillery shells would lite that field a lot easier. Russians are evil pieces of dick.
  5. Someone had to save up for the last class.
  6. 1. Brunt ends ponies up the $200k 2. Harvest data to find an LB 3. ????? 4. Profit
  7. Close the canal to any ship carrying Russian cargo or under Russian flag. Or just confiscate the first nice one that rolls through. Regardless, fuck yo couch Russia, you go the long way.
  8. Agree. I think we recovered a good chunk of street cred putting Russian plans on blast before Feb 24. IMO, that had a huge impact on shaping the initial phase of the war. Props to everyone involved collecting, analyzing, and making the decision to release the intelligence to the world.
  9. The ole Tirpitz smoke generator strategy - bold move for a target that doesn't move like a huge fucking bridge and the world has GPS satellites and shit. Regardless, call 617 squadron in with some tall boys just to be safe.
  10. Would be nice to hit a few of the air fields down there while you're at it.
  11. Resupplying in Sevastopol, it would be nice for something to hit it. What do the Ukrainians have (if anything) to strike Sevastopol currently? OT: Soviets had an underground sub base near by in Balaklava. Link
  12. I would think Russia could still maintain the blockade with subs plus aviation and anti ship missiles out of Crimea.
  13. Im fairly certain he does all of his diagrams in MS Paint. We need to recruit him to surly for more dick drawing material.
  14. Willie Lyles, now there's a name I haven't seen in a while.
  15. On a different financial note, everyone talking about a strong ruble is good for Russia doesn't make sense to me. It's been a while since my econ classes but a strong ruble makes Russian exports less competitive and foreign denominated contracts bringing in less rubles? Isn't this the whole reason the Chinese refuse to let the yuan float and keep it artificially low? Maybe it doesn't matter if they are forcing as many transactions as the can to be in rubles, but a strong currency is not necessarily a good thing.
  16. My sister's lab's feet kept getting bruises from running on their gravel roads, cracks me the fuck up to see her try to run. But I am the only one shaming her - they live 10+ miles from the nearest neighbor. My dog on the other hand isn't a pussy.
  17. I thought it was regular stop for Pussy's Flying Circus?
  18. Same experience I had as well. Our HS had a team doc that came to games and would refer you out to a specialist but was up to you and on your insurance. I am sure college coaches are giving him referrals if he asks/needs one.
  19. Let's add Mongolia since historical claims seem to be a thing these days. Top tier bang for your buck.
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