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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fico

  1. That's not what Bond movies are or should be, Dildo Head.
  2. We probably never adjust our offense, and stumble our way to another ho-hum 10 win season.
  3. Yeah, I hate that they have been showing the videos of them celebrating the pregnancy, or anticipated birth date.... really just gives me an uneasy feeling in my stomach.
  4. She apparently had Lupus, so maybe something related to that. Also, his defense has requested DNA testing of the wife's hands and the throats of his daughters. It is a horrible situation all the way around, nobody deserves any of that.
  5. They couldn't stop it before Reynold's went out either. I just want to clarify that shit, because OU always seems to want to place an asterisk due to that injury.
  6. puedes molestarme por un vaso caliente de callarse
  7. Bush High, Bush ba Bush High, don't ask why, just look to the sky I can tell you I received ISS at Kempner once, circa 2000, and never at Bush.... I am white. You have to get that "Office Work" setup for you AP if you want to skate son.
  8. Are you surprised? These are the people that elected Trump. Critical thinking isn’t exactly their M.O.
  9. Do you wake up each morning and think to yourself, " I am a huge fucking pussy, in fact, I have been doing a great job of increasing my pussiness each day, more so than the last. What can I do today to surpass my previously unsurpassable level of pussiness?"? Not only are you your normal bitch self, you have been blatantly incorrect in several of your posts lately. As texifornia states, this case is analogous to Jamison from last cycle. Further, how many kids from BR, that no longer live in BR, do we recruit annually. Nobody underestimates LSU's pull in the area, it seems you do not comprehend why so many kids decide to attend LSU, even if they may have preferred other options. Hint: It has to do with living in BR/Louisiana. You are tiresome.
  10. That is essentially what you said, and without a doubt what you implied.
  11. You’re right, was running damn near on empty
  12. The ref is on it, this announcer is a giant pussy. If your going to fake a head injury, or flop on minimal/no contact your ass isn’t getting the call.
  13. Ummm ya, CRE developers aren't building shit if companies aren't leasing, especially big box retail. Big bad developers are not the problem, the problem are companies that continue to demand that space and continue to sign leases. Side note, one of the better opportunities in CRE is the repurposing of big box retailer locations with medical or creative office. They are usually in very visible locations that are highly trafficked, near densely populated areas, with surrounding amenities, and unique, wide open, high ceiling space.
  14. Ace Ventura - When Nature Calls Filmed outside of San Antonio, featuring the Frio and the Texas Hill Country as Africa.
  15. Fico


    Listen to this guy, he's pre-med.
  16. Fico


    This is a difficult level of stupid to combat. I am against other people making money!!! Even if that means my neighborhood is more affordable, my property tax burden isn't as high, and we finally have a density level to make all those dumbass bike lanes worth the investment.... Hell I may even get priced out of my own neighborhood because of my position...Doesn't matter, someone is making money and it isn't me!!! Therefore I'm against it!!! /Yells at cloud
  17. Fico


    I mean if this is somebody's stance, how can you even argue against it? This is the equivalent of saying 2 + 2 does not equal 4, because the rest of the subject of math discusses more intricate numerical relationships. The fucking base line is still 2+2=4. Stupid is as stupid does.
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