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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fico

  1. Cosmi - Braun - Shack - Okafor - Kerstetter
  2. The kid will kill her just like Tyrion did to their mother.
  3. Watch all the episodes of Psych. You’ll know the place inside and out.
  4. What if Bran becomes the new Night King and the cycle starts over?
  5. Not arguing in support of the overall proposal, I just wanted to point out that this 100% false with regards to commerical properties. In this market, 90% of the properties operate on a NNN basis. The property taxes are passed through as additional rent, as part of the CAM. They are the single largest driver in operating expenses for Landlords and they are passed through to the tenants. Downtown rents, for example, are at ~$40 NNN, the operating expense are running ~$25+ for a gross amount ~$65. Property taxes make up about $12-15 of that operating expense number. It is in the LLs best interest to lower the CAM number as much as possible as they eat the pro-rata portion of those expenses that correlate to vacancy, also a few bucks advantage on CAM at one building can lead to them winning a deal. On the residential front you’re probably 100% correct as there isn’t near the transparency there. /Side bar out
  6. What is crazy, is that the new construction projects are not commanding the highest rent, as they are having to compete against each other more-so than existing buildings, where existing vacancy is at a premium. Vacancy for Class A space downtown is sub 6%. Dirt is going for over $1000 psf for sites that can support office density.
  7. Jackson is a lose. He was a quality starting safety and offered flexibility in a pinch at CB. CB and OL is where we need the most help. Paying just to pay is never smart though.
  8. We were never paying Mathieu that much. $14M per year is crazy.
  9. I think he has always been portrayed as 6’4” so just about accurate.
  10. And another asking if they enjoy ice cold bud light
  11. I drive it at least once a day. It is 100% due to “Austin Drivers”. There is a slight curve and rock walls so let’s go 25 mph. There are no lights and no need to merge for a good 3/4 of a mile.
  12. Except nobody had high expectations for 2008, that is why it was awesome. Our JR QB took a massive leap to Heisman caliber play that year, and our young DBs turned out to be players across the board. Hell, many people were still clamoring for "Chiles to start." Sam's Sophomore year was significantly better than Colt's, and honestly if you have good to elite QB play, you are more than likely going to be a good to elite team. Everyone knows 2020 is supposed to be a good year, but if Sam can continue to improve on last season, we are going to be an extremely tough team to beat, and will likely dominate several lesser opponents.
  13. People don’t give money away for free. His position must of had some validity to it. Nobody is equating him to MLK. Don’t be even more obtuse than you already are.
  14. Sure they do. I guess if you, Vic, Miles and you merry band says it’s true, it must be. Did he want a job? Did he not want to be blackballed because of his stance or willingness to protest? Yes, yes he did. If you can actually sit there and act like he was not actively blackballed from the league, with the load of crap that occupies the QB position for ~15 teams in the league, then I don’t know what to tell you. What I posted are the facts. If you don’t believe me take it up with Nate Boyer.
  15. Lol some of y’all are so fucking clueless. You know who started this? Nate Boyer. Yes, that Nate Boyer. Anyone with their faux outrage needs to tell an army green beret why Americans shouldn’t be able to protest injustice. The athletes have a stage and they most definitely made the country discuss an issue more so than it would have if they did not do what they did. /End Rant.
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