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Everything posted by LonghornBreeder

  1. Fully agree here. There's a lot of Sark critics around here melting down and pointing fingers in the wrong direction because they can't separate play calling from execution. Only thing you can fault Sark on in this game is not taking the fieldgoal to continue building momentum instead of giving it back to KSU. ...and maybe he could be a better Maalik whisperer to calm him the fuck down in the 2nd half.
  2. Can I borrow someone's Costco card next Sunday? I'm gonna need a new TV, if Sark keeps the offense on the field when we're in fieldgoal range next week.
  3. @closetojumping Did this mudhole post work? A win's a win, but I don't know how these are supposed to work.
  4. Haven't checked this thread in 15 minutes. How's it looking in here? Sunshine? Rainbows? How about unicorns?
  5. Seems like a great strategy to build +rep on the game threads. Just be a bitch and get lots of quotes. Nobody negs 'cause shit moves too fast to bother.
  6. Refs talking in front of the screen: "This is tough, Bob. Do you see anyway we can justify fucking Texas here?" "Ah, fuck em. Just say inconclusive view. KSU ball."
  7. Did that ball pop when it landed? That was an amazing non-bounce.
  8. Missed targeting on the tackle at the end of baxter's first run of the half.
  9. Not sure why I posted this in the game thread... Based on game play and stat-o-metrics or whatever, going for it on 4th and fieldgoal might make sense. But Sark needs to factor in that we are constantly getting fucked by refs and we should just take every point we have in our grasp.
  10. Based on game play and stat-o-metrics or whatever, going for it on 4th and fieldgoal might make sense. But Sark needs to factor in that we are constantly getting fucked by refs and we should just take every point we have in our grasp.
  11. YouTubeTV feed is def 4-5 minutes behind some others. This thread is a running spoiler for me. I'm trying to post about how we need to take the points and some of yall already bitching about the turnover.
  12. Why don't you screen cap and post the guy tacking our receiver first?
  13. How about a screen cap of the takedown there before the pick and "punt return".
  14. Lulz at Klatt talking about the safety clearing out... and then highlighted in replay, the safety doesn't even move.
  15. There are tons of examples (one in this game already) where X has stepS on his defender and makes a Dariah-like attempt at a ball that land 5-10 feet past him.
  16. Exactly my concern for this game. If the tip didn't happen there, the safety had an even better shot at the pick... or vaporizing Sanders' ribs.
  17. X needs to take notes. AD knows how to make an effort for an over-thrown ball.
  18. Some great closeup replays of it too!
  19. Glad to see us playing for the return. Bf the snap I'm always praying we don't rough the punter these days.
  20. The thing that scares me about this game is Sark's stubbornness (I hope I'm wrong and he runs the ball a ton) and Malik's overconfidence throwing into heavy coverage. Really question: how well has KSU's secondary played this year?
  21. I'm not saying Arch is out of shape, but if you go back to that photo of the QB room working out w shirts off, Arch is clearly physically immature right now - probably the 4th or 5th in body development. He's a high risk for injury with hard contact. The last thing we need is a second all-world recruit / would-be-starter on the sideline with an AC sprain.
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