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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CycleTex87

  1. I get the feeling, and I may be wrong AF, but seems like the Astros organization is looking to move on from CC for reasons unrelated to this years on the field performance. I may be totally off base but just reading the tea leaves.
  2. Are those ALCS tshirts on 75% off yet?
  3. When do pitchers and catchers report for spring training?
  4. We close this deal out with at least one Garcia win and Strom deserves a cool million handshake on his way to retirement and consulting.
  5. Shoulda sent Tuck there. Better chance to get a run than Maldy RBI.
  6. These guys have always turned it on when needed. Trust in the team to come ready to play tonight. LFG.
  7. There must be some behind the scenes info that the criminal stuff is fixing to get swept away.
  8. Pretty damn cool. I would love to do this without a schedule and just go from place to place as the spirit moved me.
  9. Last weekend, I went dove hunting in/around Artesia, NM. The MO there is to stake out around a water hole (desert type area) in the early morning and late afternoon. A lot of the land is state or federal, so no permission is needed for hunting. My buddy who knows the area set us up on a particular frac pond, and we proceeded to limit out three hunts in a row. There were thousands of birds. Literally. Amazing, maybe the best dove shooting I've ever had in 45 years of it. My buddy set up some dove decoys, and the birds were flocking into that spread. Crazy.
  10. I watched some street racers kill themselves on Westheimer at Kirkwood about 30 years ago. /CSB
  11. All this talk of skeletal remains reminds me: Save the environment! Please stop buying plastic skeletons for yard decorations! Use only natural locally sourced skeletons from now on!
  12. I don’t buy T-shirts or hats or anything else for anything but a championship.
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