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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CycleTex87

  1. I worked with some Chinese guys a while back, who were living long term in Houston (Cypress). They wanted nothing more than to go to the gun range and learn to shoot.
  2. Course you never really know about the size for sure until you have it in your own space.
  3. Lil Shep has the Covid? Or his younger brother?
  4. Changing my vote to any other day than 13th. Unless there’s a side deal going on in Oklahoma City.
  5. CycleTex87


    The worst part is over.
  6. Foreman just running over NFL LB's and DB's
  7. @RGBIIIAre you gonna go ahead and make the call on the date, you know, for planning purposes?
  8. Is that Lowell calling the Alamo bowl? nvm
  9. Topped off my vax yesterday. I’m sitting at the bar waiting on my to-go food talking to a guy, he says “yeah my wife is home sick and tested positive, but I’m negative, yet we sleep in the same bed”. Am I going to die?
  10. The contrasting uniforms are terrible. Kinda makes me queasy to watch it.
  11. I think it’s reflective of the international response to global warming - business and government together don’t have a workable solution. Just a clown show at this point, and unlikely to be solved without serous repercussions to global society.
  12. .270 Win Browning X-Bolt Medallion w/ Zeiss glass. From my wife, but she had no involvement in the choosing and purchasing of it. among other things.
  13. 4 non life threatening injuries. Pretty big explosion. Definitely loss of containment.
  14. Somebody on the defensive side of the ball needs to make an F’ing play. Maybe it’s this guy.
  15. Got a bottle of Wolcott from one of my employees. Yea or nay? Make an old fashioned and enjoy it for what it is?
  16. Had my wedding reception at The Houstonian a long time ago.
  17. Lots of pictures were taken today. The guy isn't doing well in his health. Up to 2 weeks ago, he was on the hospital in an induced coma for some medical reason. His doctors advised him not to travel to Texas from Georgia and he told them to piss off. He was going hunting no matter what. Love this. Guy looks at his big picture limited time remaining, and decides to enjoy that time doing what he loves rather than sitting at home waiting around.
  18. Walkers and oxygen carts get in the way of a crowd stampede.
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